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Gangbang: Daddy's Girl

She turned the doorknob and opened the door wide open.

"Oh fucking have gotta be shitting me!!!" Yelled my sister, Sarah, as she entered her room.

Daddy laid flat out on her bed, with cum stains everywhere on the bed and the floor. There were liquor stains on the bed as well.

" and Uncle Lenny had some jerk off party, didn't you...?" she laughed as she stared at the open window. It was breezy so she went and looked out the window, and then closed it.

"Eric must be sleeping..., but that doesn't mean I can't take care of my daddy and uncle," Sarah laughed as she looked down at dad.

"I'll always be your little girl. I'll always be daddy's girl," Sarah whispered into his ear as she pulled off her jacket and began to suck his cock.

Down, outside in the back of the house...I was hanging from a tree branch. I had on a red lace thong, which I stole from my sister's drawer with everything else down on the ground right beside the garbage. Besides the thong, I was completely naked.

I tried to move a little, and I felt a tree branch poke my ass. I slipped and fell down to the ground.

I slammed hard and fell on my ass right one the grass covered ground outside.

It was dark, and very breezy. I didn't exactly have a plan on what to do really. I figured I would try and see if the spare key was still where I left it.

My bare feet quickly moved through the back of the house and towards the front door. I hugged the wall as I tried to stay hidden in the darkness. The moonlight lit the curves of my body, giving the round shape of my enormous ass a nice silhouette look.

I moved towards the plant, and pulled it up to find the spare key. But there was no key.

"Shit...," I cursed as I realized that my dad and uncle had to have used the spare key to get in the house to begin with.

So, I was left locked out of my house. I was naked, with only my sister's red lace thong on. It was getting cold, and it was late at night.

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