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Gali's Surprise Package

Her red dress was skin tight and short, with spaghetti straps coming off the shoulders. She looked so hot. The boys were teasing her and she was giving it back.The bell rang. Enough John said in a firm voice.They all quieted and as Gali turned to face him she caught his eyes with a sultry look. Jesus he thought to himself as he remembered he was giving her a ride home.

The day had gone slow, and when it ended he'd gone and got in his car, and found a bar. He had a few drinks then went back to school to change for the dance.
Chapter Two

When he walked into the gym there were a few kids already there. The drinks had loosened him up and he felt relaxed. Then he saw Gali. She had on the same red dress, and in the dimmed lights she looked like a goddess. She saw him and sauntered over. She touched his arm and purred, don't forget you're my ride home tonight. Don't worry he said, I won't leave you. She smiled seductively at him. How do I look she cooed. The question caught him off guard. Fantastic he stammered. She laughed and smiled. Thank you she said , you look handsome yourself. Thanks he murmured. Will you dance a dance with me she cooed as she held his eyes. Sure, later he managed. She smiled and turned and left. As she walked away John couldn't help stare at her body. Bob Jones came up next to him and whispered, unbelievable isn't it. Yea John managed. She's the best looking woman in here and she isn't even a woman Bob mused.

They sure don't have anything like that in Toronto John said in a trance. Bob laughed. Nor where I grew up he said as he patted John's back and walked off. The dance went off without incident and the kids danced with abandon. John watched Gali out dance them all as she danced with the gay boys and some other drag queens from the school. Her moves were very sensual, and they captivated John. She saw him and did a seductive dance, looking in his eyes when she'd twirl towards him. He knew she was teasing him but with his buzz from the drinks, he didn't care.

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