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From Mob to Shemale

"See what I mean? It is very effective." She said with a smile.
The door opened and an older but very attractive doctor walked in the
room. She had short brown hair and had a large smile on her face.
"Dr. Tetley, I was just demonstrating to Sam here the effects of the Sissy
"Very good, nurse. Please get Sam's injection ready for his session." "Hi,
Sam. I'm Dr. Tetley. We are going to be spending a lot of time together in
the next few months, so it is important that we get along. These first
sessions are very simple. You receive an injection, and then you listen to
some music with your headphones. It's that simple."
The nurse started injecting the fluid into my arm.
"What is in the injection?" I asked innocently.
"Oh, not much. Just something to help you relax. It also has the effect of
making the recipient very open to suggestions. It is used quite frequently
with hypnosis."
I barely even heard the last few words that she said, as I was
struggling to keep my eyes open. I laid down on the bed, and was vaguely
aware of headphones being placed over my ears. I heard classical music
being played very softly. I don't remember much after that.
"He should be out for about four hours. Which tape did you use?" asked Dr.
"I started him with the Crossdressing/Excitement/Humiliation tape. It
repeats itself every five minutes, so he should hear it about forty-eight
times if he stays out for four hours."
"Did you give him his female hormone booster injection?"
"Yes, Dr. Tetley. First thing this morning. I told him it was an
"Very good nurse. Tomorrow morning, make sure he starts taking the
maintenance doses of estradiol/progesterone pills. Since we only have four
months with him, give him double the dosage. Tony will want to see results
within the four months. We will also increase the frequency of the booster
injections from once every three weeks to once a week." Said Dr. Tetley.
While they were talking, I was in my drug-induced trance. Because of
this, I was not aware the tape had subliminal messages on it. The tape's
message was this:

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