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"Fuck it! I'm going to do my nails." She said to herself as she sat down on the bed and poured herself a gin and tonic from the minibar and prepared to paint her nails.

Michele rarely painted her nails when she was on the road as it was very risky if she had to leave the hotel room in hurry. Washing off her makeup and shucking out of her femme clothing could be done in a few minutes but removing nailpolish took time. She didn't have room for nailpolish remover in her small bag so she would have to clean off the nail polish with vodka from the minibar which could take quite some time to do properly.

Also Danny insisted they book adjoining hotel rooms and it was not unknown for him to return to his room late at night drunk and hammer on Mike's door insisting that Mike join him for a drink. A few times Mike, fully dressed as Michele, had had to shout some made up excuse through the closed door as to why he couldn't join Danny for a drink.

Michele sat on the bed and carefully painted her fingernails with a single coat of plum-red nailpolish. 'Important that a girl's nailpolish and lipstick match,' she thought to herself.

Half an hour later she was seated at her laptop computer, her body illuminated by lamplight in the darkened hotel room, chatting online with other crossdressers and transmitting her image via webcam to a Yahoo chatroom whilst also surfing transgender websites.

She didn't realise that events were about to unfold that would change her life forever.

At the same time that Michele made the decision to paint her nails, the well-built, well-dressed, black man decided he was going to rob Danny.

The black man's name was Ronnie and he was carefully dressed in the business suite so as to look like any other businessman at the hotel bar; but he was in fact an accomplished thief and robber. His accomplice, Jermain, waited outside in the car. Ronnie's modus operandi was to befriend a gullible businessman at a hotel bar, drug him, and then pretend to help the businessman to his room, where he and Jermain robbed the unconscious victim of everything worth stealing.

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