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First Night Nerves Chapter 2

Satisfied, I opened the last bag and took out a short denim skirt. I stepped into it and pulled it up, fastening the zip and button over my hip. I smoothed it down and looked again in the mirror. Golly, it was very short! Falling straight down at the front, it hugged my buttocks closely, showing their firmness in a way that pleased me and I hoped would delight Barry. My legs looked slim and pale beneath it. I felt even more feminine. Oh Barry! I hope you like it!

I carefully applied a little eye make-up and lipstick, and brushed my hair until it shone. I looked at my watch. Five minutes to two. I felt slightly sick with excitement and anxiety. Skipping back into the bedroom, already unconsciously moving in a feminine way, I peeped out of the window. No car yet. I turned to sit on the bed and pulled on a pair of low cut white socks before slipping on my new white trainers. I stood up and, for the last time, checked my appearance.

A horn sounded outside and, looking out of the window, I saw Barry sitting in his silver sports car parked cross the entrance to the driveway. Whatever I looked like, it would have to do now! Despite the hot weather, I pulled my long raincoat around me and ran downstairs to meet him.

As I skipped down the driveway, Barry leaned across the car to push open the passenger’s door. I pulled it wide and sat down next to him, drawing my knees and feet in daintily. I closed the door and turned towards him. Pleasure was written all over his handsome, tanned face. He leaned over and we kissed each other on the lips.

“I’m really glad you could get away, Tina.”

“So am I” I smiled. Barry lifted my chin with his index finger and kissed me again, this time his tongue parting my lips and seeking my own. He found it and for an electric moment our tongues entwined. He tasted of mint. Clean and fresh. I loved it.

He stroked my right thigh momentarily and started the engine. He pulled away and we drove through the city towards his hotel.

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