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First Night Nerves

A tight black silk padded bra completed the ensemble. I liked the effect even more. Thanks to Kate Moss and the other flat chested supermodels, I reflected, my absence of appreciable breasts would not arouse attention. It might even serve to make me more attractive. The irony was extraordinary.

I walked back into the bedroom, feeling good and knowing I looked good. Debbie was sitting at the dressing table dressed in almost identical underwear, as planned. Her hair was naturally light brown and fell over her shoulders. We inspected each other, each pleased with the other's presentation.

"You're going to be good tonight." Debbie told me.

"Ooh, I hope not." I replied archly.

Together we dressed in matching short black cocktail dresses and medium high black shoes, helping each other with the high zip fastenings. I pulled a long brown wig onto my short hair and secured it there. Its tresses fell over my shoulders just like Debbie's. I brushed it until it shone.

Sitting next to Debbie on the stool, I carefully, as she had taught me, put on very light make up. So many men overdo it, Debbie had said. Using only eye liner and lipstick we both tried to make the most of our features and giggled as we began to look more and more alike. A little perfume and, for each of us, a thin gold necklace and bracelet bought specially for the occasion completed the effect. We stood back, looked at each other, looked in the full length wardrobe mirror and burst out laughing.

We had done it well. We had done better than well. We looked like twins or at least like sisters. And we looked good. Debbie opened a small bottle of champagne and poured two glasses. We toasted each other, my stomach bursting with butterflies, and drank the bubble down quickly. Holding hands, we went out of the room for dinner.

As we entered the bar area, Debbie nudged me and pointed to Barry & Monica sitting at a corner table. Barry looked gorgeous, dressed in a dark blue suit and white open-neck shirt which showed off his tanned skin to perfection. With his jacket off, his strong arms and powerful chest were obvious attractions. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Seated across the table was his wife Monica, strikingly wrapped in a short red dress that clung to her slim figure. She looked very sexy, I thought despite myself.

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