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Fender Bender

That is when it happened. I rounded a curve and there was a SUV stopped in front of me waiting for another car to turn into a driveway. I tried to stop but I was still not use to driving in heels and my foot slipped off the brake. I ran into the back of the SUV.

OH SHIT!!!!! What am I going to do, I thought about backing up and driving off but the car stalled. I sat in the drivers seat crying, praying that this was just a vivid dream and I would wake up soon.

The knock on the window brought me back to the present. It was Mr. James, A man that live up the street and he was saying something.

I rolled the window down to hear him asking if I was ok. I shook my head yes but could not stop crying. Mr. James put his hand on my shoulder and said,"It will be ok pretty girl, as long as you are alright. I just need to call 9-1-1 and get the police out here."

I screamed Please!!!!! NO!!!!

"But we need the cops out here to file a report for the insurance companies, you do have insurance don't you?"

That is when he recognized the car. "Hey this is Curt's car, I seen him working on it from time to time, They are out of town on vacation. No wonder you do not want the police, you are driving a stolen car."

"I did not steal it I borrowed it. please can I just go home?"

"Where do you live young lady?"

Without thinking I gave him my address, that is when he shone a flash light into my face. he stopped dead as he realized who I was. By now his wife came back to see what was taking so long.

Mr. James opened the door and ordered me to get out. I did not move. He reached in and took my arm pulling me from the car. His wife asked him why he was so rough. Why was he being mean to a girl who was obviously scared.

He Started laughing as he told his wife that I was no girl then told her who I really was. She did not believe him. "That is no boy, let her go."

Mr. James was still holding my arm. "The guys at the police station are going to love you. You better hope they put you in a cell all by yourself."

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