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She shook her head no.

"I must ask you one more time, do you truly want to do this? Nine times out of ten I tell someone something they don't really want to know, something that could destroy their way of life. Are you absolutely sure you want me to do this?"

"I'm sure," she whispered, dabbing her eye with the tissue.

"Okay, I'll start on it tomorrow. You go home and try to act as normal a possible. Any change in how you act at home could make him nervous, perhaps make him stop for a while. Since you're paying me by the day, you want me to catch him as quickly as possible. You should try to put that bra back where you found it, how long have you had it?"

"I just found it last night."

"Okay, see if you can't get it back into his car without getting caught."

She nodded and then stood up reaching out her hand, "Thank you Mr. Jamison."

"It's Dirk," he replied, taking her hand and gently shaking it, "kind of rhymes with Jerk."

She smiled for the first time since they met, then turned and walked out of the office.

A little over a week later, Andrea got a cryptic message on her cell phone and called for Dirk. He was out, but his secretary gave her some detailed instructions, directing her to go to a club called 123 Faux. Apparently Mr. Jamison was very specific that she get there for the 7:30 floor show and to be sure to ask for the manager, Mr. Jacobs.

Not sure how secretive she should be about all this, Andrea took a cab to the club, having the driver drop her a little ways down the street from the club. After paying the driver she stepped up onto the sidewalk and watched as an incredibly strange assortment of people went into the club.

Slowly walking toward the entrance she watched men and women in formal evening attire enter the club next to others wearing cut off shorts and halter tops. There were flamboyantly gay couples entering beside what looked to be a conservative married couple arriving from some Republican fundraiser.

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