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Fantasy Reversal Chapter 6

I looked back to Sam as I made my way to the dance floor. Doing my best to dance to the techno music it was not long until a man came up to dance. He pulled me close, his pelvis thrusting against me, his hands touching my bare back, and then sliding under the edge of my top to my breast. As I looked back to Sam he was watching as he talked with a couple.

Soon the woman, dressed similar to me was walking to me. She bumped her way to dance with me. Her touch was cool and confident. Soon the loud music disappeared as my focus was on her. Our bodies touched, her leg nudged between mine as she ground her thigh into my pussy.

We were being watched but I did not care. Even though I was now a woman, at least for this week, I loved the look and touch of a sexy attractive woman. The music ended and she leaned in, kissing my lips, her tongue brushing my lips. "Your hot baby, have fun tonight." She said as she turned to dance with a man.

Sam signaled for me to return. Tired from the dancing I was relieved. On the table sat a martini for me.

"Here drink up and let's go." Sam smiled his hand around my backside landing on my ass.

I took a sip. The martini was mixed strong, very strong. "You want me drunk for what you have planned for me tonight, don't you?"

"Trust me baby, I have delved deep into my mind to come up with this game. I know you will love it." He continued as I set my drink down.

Holding onto his arm, I was aware my words were a bit slurred now. I was obviously tipsy and turned on. As we left we took a few steps, and then I stopped pulling him close, kissing him deeply. We continued for a few minutes even as people walked by, the women sneering a bit, the men envious wishing they were with me.

"How about that club, it will be a change of pace, for both of us." Sam motioned down and across the street to a club called simply "G".

"Sure honey, I am simply a game piece in your fantasy game." I slurred as he led me to the bar and pulled out a barstool for me. "Mmmm, how sweet it is to be a woman. I could get used to this."

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