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Fantasy Reversal Chapter 4

"Um, yes it was much better than I could have ever imagined." I replied, growing somewhat comfortable to Katrina's voice coming from my lips.

Sam smiled slyly back at me, as if he understood what I was implying. The waitress came, Sam ordered a large omelet and orange juice and I ordered simply white toast, water and a bloody mary. "I need that this morning." I assured Sam as he looked at me.

We continued to make small talk until the waitress delivered our food. I watched as Sam watched her. I could tell he desired to have her, she was cute, early twenties, dressed in a short black skirt and white blouse. "You find her attractive, don't you Sam?" I asked, though the question took him as a shock. "It's OK dear. I think she is quite attractive. I guess if I were a guy.....I would find her attractive."

As we finished, Sam mentioned he had a full day planned for me. He then paid the bill and thanked the waitress. "I already checked out honey." He mentioned as we exited the restaurant.

The looks of some men were subtle and others not so subtle. Some of the men were with their wife or girlfriend and still they glanced at me. I had always been more subtle in my glances as a man gawking at women. Then I saw Sam, looking at a couple young women. I realized as I smiled to myself for the first time the power of an attractive woman has over men. It was then I decided to enjoy this adventure.

Sam was a gentleman as he opened my car door and placed the luggage in the trunk. I was a bit intrigued as to where we were going. As Sam I had a general plan as to the week of fantasies for Katrina, but had not done much with the details. Finally we pulled up in front of the Salon and Spa, Katrina frequented.

"But, Sam!" I cannot just walk in, I need an appointment." Then it hit me, I had an appointment. I had called four weeks ago and set one up. Well I had not called but Katrina had.

"Oh come now Katrina, I know they are expecting you today. Enjoy your day, I will text you with the details for tonight." Sam assured me, then handed me a bag and my purse as he snickered a bit. "I think you will find it a bit of an adventure."

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