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Family Values

Without a word, Kit removed his wallet from his purse and stuffed it into a back pocket. Chrissy fell in behind him as they headed for the door. It took Chrissy a moment to realize that Kit was holding it open for her.

They rode in silence down the elevator, each lost in thought. I can’t believe I let her cut off all my hair, Kit said to himself. I can’t believe she’s – I mean he’s – really doing this, Chrissy thought. God, she looks hot, Kit thought as he stared at Chrissy’s legs. I’d swear he was staring at my legs, Chrissy said to herself.

Another door, another awkward moment, and they emerged onto the crowded sidewalk. Chrissy took Kit’s arm and they strolled side by side, with no destination in particular, drawing admiring glances from the passersby. “Hungry?” Kit asked when they approached a little Italian restaurant that used to be their favorite.

“Famished,” Chrissy said. “Let’s see if Mario recognizes us.

Mario didn’t, and they had a delightful dinner as they slowly got to know each other all over again. Over pasta and wine, Chrissy recounted her tortured youth as a young woman trapped in a man’s body. She cried when she told Kit how grateful she was for the pure joy she experienced when they made love, even though she knew deep in her heart that the feelings were fleeting.

Kit squeezed her thigh and told her it was okay. Then he confided in her about his own sexual ambivalence as he grew into a young woman. There was something gentle and unthreatening about Chris that had drawn Kit to him. As they bared their souls, they realized something that both had sensed all along. Birds of a feather, they had found their soul mates.

Maybe it was the wine, but Kit kept sliding his hand up Chrissy’s skirt. He was surprised when Chrissy pressed it against her aching penis, and she shuddered as she whispered in his ear, “What was that you said about making a woman out of me?” Kit was speechless for a few seconds before he realized that she was waiting for him to ask for the check.

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