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Every Year

It was cool but not cold, there was a light breeze, and no rain. I looked up and down the road from the front gate, absolutely nobody in sight, I set off up the road. The excitement of that first outing, I have never forgotten it in all these years. Walking along on heels, my breasts bouncing a little, hair swinging, my tight skirt restricting my movements to an extent, it was the most gorgeous feeling. I was confident, certainly in that light nobody was going to know my secret. I was a girl out walking, to a friend's to do homework maybe, to the shop perhaps, or heading home from school.

A car came up from behind with its lights on, my heart fluttered a little but it went straight past. Another passed me going in the other direction, maybe it had slowed a little, perhaps the driver wanted to prolong the sight of my legs, the excitement between my thighs came on again. And then about a hundred yards from my own house, I met a couple, man and woman, walking towards me. They were obviously on their way back from their shopping, small carrier bag in hand, on the same side of the road as me. As we passed I strolled confidently on, though my stomach was churning.

"Good evening" said the husband.

I just had to reply. Keeping my voice light, I hoped, I replied in the same manner and walked on, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I reached the little shop and was delighted there was nobody else around. I pushed the door and heard the bell. I looked across towards the small till, the man I had seen before was there, serving another guy about the same age. That was the start of my real infatuation with stockings and mini-skirts, the customer turned to walk past me out of the door, and was staring at my legs as he left. He looked me in the face and smiled. I smiled back and set off down the aisle.

I quickly collected a pack of mixed salad and a carton of milk, then headed back towards the till. The shop owner looked up and smiled at me. That was the first time I had seen that look.

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