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Duchess of Lamore Part 2

The girls clapped and giggled as he ate the banana. He felt as if he had passed some right of passage. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss quite pleased with him. She then looked at one of the other girls and said something in her native tongue.

Two of the girl's grabbed bananas from the tray and got to their feet. He watched as they began dancing using the bananas. It appeared to be some sort of folk dance or ritual. They moved in unison in the most provocative way.

They came to the bed and both grabbed his arms. They wanted him to dance with them. At first he thought against it, but they managed to get him up. He started dancing with them trying to imitate their moves.

The third girl came up behind him holding open a sarong that matched the other girls. They all stopped and helped him into it. Once they had it fastened around his waist, they all started dancing together once again. One girl leaned over and retrieved a banana for him.

Now the four of them danced in a circle in this wonderfully sensuous dance. He found that the drugs made it much easier for him to move.

Once the dance was over they all hugged each other and kissed. One of the girls said something to the others. Of course he had no idea what she was saying. He could see from the other girls faces that she had suggested something unusual. They talked back and forth before finally coming to agreement.

They looked at him and giggled. He knew that meant trouble. They took him by the arm and walked him over to the wall where a tapestry hung. One girl moved her little hand behind it and suddenly a secret door swung open.

He was quite surprised. The other girls held a finger to their lips signaling for him to remain silent. They ushered him into the secret passage. It was dark, but the girls knew the way. They walked for some time before they came to another door. The girls smiled at each other and then opened the second door.

They walked into the room and he was simply amazed. The room was filled with black men, naked black men wearing nothing more than their silver jewelry. It was at once erotic and yet terribly taboo.

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