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Duchess of Lamore

He teased her nipple with the tip of his tongue. More cream seemed to be rolling down from the top of her breast. He ran his tongue up her breast gathering a nice amount with his tongue.

The girl atop of him became labored. Little hands caressed his skin, teasing, pulling.

Suddenly her thrusting stopped. She became very still. He wondered if all the ladies did this to their men. It had to be a cultural thing although he had never heard of anything quite like it before.

She lowered her mouth to his ear, nibbled it and giggled. She pulled her fingers from him and rolled off his back. He marveled at how quickly he missed this new experience. Her undulating body felt so good upon his flesh. He never imagined his behind could be such an erogenous zone.

The girls slipped away leaving him alone. He was so tired, so relaxed. He didn't have a care in the world as he drifted off to sleep.

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