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Driving Miss Michele

"You fucking dumb cunt! I told you to leave the cash in the till and just take the money from the safe!" the leader hissed.

Stan, the leaser, was a big man, weighing in at over one hundred kilos and well over 190 centimetres tall. His long oily black hair, dark features and sunken eyes looked grotesque because of the nylon stocking he wore on his head. He tore it off and stuffed it in the front pocket of his jeans.

"You two fuckers take off those masks now and don't fucking leave them in the car so the coppers can get your DNA!" he bellowed as his two accomplices stripped stockings from their heads.

"Fuck me Stan, I never would have thought that wiry little cunt would have the guts to pull that gun on you!" the smallest of the three uttered excitedly.

At just over 167 centimetres, Davo was a full head shorter than Stan, their leader. He was a full-blood aboriginal with a lithe body and small bunched muscles; his black curly hair hung in a mop almost covering his deep-set brown eyes. A few men had mistaken his slight build for weakness; most of those who had, lived to regret their mistake.

"Well you dopey black bastard, if you hadn't insisted the owner take the money out of the cash register he never would have been anywhere near the fucking gun or the fucking alarm would he!!!" the third member of the gang bellowed.

'Wassa', as his friends called him, was 182 centimetres but weighed in at 105 kilos. Middle-aged spread was having its effect on him and his large gut hung over his belt. He was scrunched into the driver's seat concentrating on the road as he floored the accelerator.

"Hey! Don't call me dopey! I admit to being black 'cause that's a bit hard for me to hide; but don't call me dopey," Davo spat back, but he was chuckling to himself.

"Ok you two, enough of the gobfest; we'll have a think about what went wrong once we're safe. Right now we need to get rid of this fucking car; it stands out like dogs balls and even with the bullet I put in him I reckon that fucking shop owner will be able to tell the cops what this car looks like," Stand said.

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