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Dream Date

Your eyes are the windows to your soul and your lips must be plump and kissable if you want to be sexy.' she laughs and gives me a cheeky grin. 'Your current picture makes you very lifeless and unattractive. I don't know what you where thinking of when you put on that shirt for the picture it makes you look ashen.' Don't worry I will only add a little powder here and there to give you some extra colour. All the actors on TV wear a smattering of make-up for the camera.'

So I sat there bemused and slightly sozzeled in girlish slacks and a mini dress on the pretence that she was making me more appealing as she plucked my eyebrows, dusted my eye lids with shadow, lengthened my eye lashes with mascara and painted my lips with a bright lipstick. It struck me as more than a little powder but frankly I enjoyed the attention and the alcohol had made me rather woozy and sleepy.

'I hope you know what you're doing,' I mutter in dismay as she brushed my hair as I felt myself transformed.

She nodded like a make-up artist on a film set but was concentrating so much she said nothing.

A minute later she's shooting me with her digital camera as if a gun and telling jokes to make me laugh but by now I was sufficiently drunk to laugh at anything. She made me stand, sit, bend and crouch and strike a variety of poses like a model in a clothes catalogue.

Finished she loaded the best pictures onto my web site but refused to show me until done. It's true I could have changed at that point back into my tatty jeans and T-shirt but I now rather enjoyed wearing the smart slacks and mini dress.

I was later horrified with the pictures she loaded. They made me look very suspect. It wasn't obvious as to my sex. I could easily be a girl or a boy and even reading my profile didn't help despite it saying I was a male. I looked like a young, happy girl wearing make-up. I was furious and felt duped but it was late in the day and after losing count of the number of drinks I'd drunk, I was past caring and decided to avoid an argument. I didn't want to upset a friend so I thought I'd change it in the morning... Or so I thought.

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