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Dreaded Exposure

"Hi Beautiful! Can I come in?"

"Of course! That's why I invited you. Take your coat off and come on in. Supper is almost ready."

"Why don't you sit down at the big table in the studio and I will bring in the food."

When he went into the other room, I put the T-bone steaks on the grill. I love an indoor grill with an exhaust fan. The flavor of steak is always better after cooking over a flame. I then brought the jumbo shrimp cocktails to the table, along with a bottle of nice wine.

"Oh, those shrimp look good! What is the menu tonight? "

"For the main portion of the meal it will be green beans, twice baked potatoes, and T-bone steak. For desert I picked up some Napoleons from Nardelli's Pastries. I hope you will like them".

"You know I will. You are making my favorite meal. You shouldn't have gone to such trouble. Hot dogs would be a feast as long as I was sharing it with you."

"Oh, you flatterer, you. Let's return thanks and eat."

The meal was wonderful. I had made Hazelnut coffee to have with the Napoleons. It was delicious, even if I say so myself.

"John, I need to preface what I need to tell you with some comments that may not yet make sense. Please, let me finish what I need to say, without interruption. This is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life."

"Jane, you aren't going to break off our wedding are you?"

I could see the concern in his face.

"No, but you may decide to break it off after I tell you what I need to tell you."

"That will never happen!"

"Just listen, please! I may ask you questions but please do not add anything to what I need to say. I love you more than anything else in my life. You are almost more important to me than the Lord Himself. Your happiness is my utmost desire. I need to tell you the story of a friend of mine. Please listen, and then I need to ask you some questions. O.K.?"

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