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Discovering Mistress Sarah's World Part 9

Josie would be thinking about his period all day. He took the tampon and dropped it in his work bag. The tampon fell next to his small purse, which was filled with red lipstick, a small bottle of perfume, and a few make-up items. Josie was not allowed to leave the house without his purse on hand. He was thankful that Miss May allowed him to keep it inside his work bag and not in plain view.

On his way into work, Josie wondered how much truth there was to Miss May's comment that his work associates probably figured out he was a sissy. Miss May had kept him in an aroused daze all week and his feminine side was still a fantasy world to him. All week he was living under the pretense that no one at work would notice the changes in his clothes and looks. Now he wondered whether he was living under a false pretense the last two weeks.

He looked into his rear-view mirror and did a reality check. The eyeliner was barely noticeable. The blush was a natural beige, but it was noticeable and gave his cheeks a natural feminine glow. Josie felt embarrassed, realizing that some people must have noticed the blush. He rubbed his hands over his cheeks, doing his best to blend the blush into his skin and make it less noticeable. Then there were his clothes. He was literally dressed head to toe in woman's clothes. His top and pants were neutral but they were still woman's clothes. Josie could not believe he let things go this far. He had wanted to keep his feminine life out of his work life. He hoped that he could resign with no hint of the life that he was going to embark on. Now he realized that this hope was compromised. He wondered what his co-workers thought of him now.

As he parked his car in the parking lot, he thought about abandoning work. He could come up with an excuse to not show up for the last two days. The more he thought about it, the more he knew it was not an option. It was not the proper way to leave the people he worked with for many years. He also knew that Miss May and Mistress Sarah would never approve of it. He was sure this was all part of their plan with him. He knew they got off on controlling and embarrassing him. It was exciting for him to know that his humiliation fueled their desires. The excitement motivated him to finish his day at work.

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