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Debbie Part 7

Mistress took Debbie's hand and led her out of the clinic. Apart form the chastity device Debbie was completely unrestrained, but although it felt weird and unfamiliar she still felt controlled. With Mistress beside her she felt as though she might as well have been tied up in a straight jacket, hooded and gagged. Her training so far had removed all traces of independent thinking and turned her into a submissive puppet, unable to think or act for itself. So Debbie docilely let herself be guided to Mistress' limo, where Mistress placed her in the back seat. Debbie's thoughts were exclusively about her love for Mistress and her restrained arousal. She hadn't even noticed what the outside of the clinic looked like.

Once inside the moving limo, Mistress grabbed Debbie by the chin and began instructing her: "It is almost time for you to begin returning my investment, slave," Mistress said. "I'm going to make money whoring you out, and you had better work hard." Debbie nodded eagerly, not wanting to cross Mistress. "You still have some training left before I let you go about the business I have made you for, but today we are going to take a little practice run." Debbie was listening attentively; very surprised that she apparently was going to left unrestrained.

Although she hadn't even thought about what Mistress would use her for once her training was complete, she wasn't really surprised that she was destined to become a whore. If she had thought about it, she would have assumed that the whoring would take place in a brothel, where she would be tied up in some way, waiting for a customer to come and torture her. From what Mistress said it sounded as if she was destined to become some kind of streetwalker. Debbie's attention returned to Mistress as she spoke again: "First we are going to fix that hair of yours and give you a manicure, so you can look presentable. Then we are going a cafe where a customer will be waiting for you. You are going to give him a truly magnificent fuck, or I am going to make you scream all night.

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