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Darrel and Danielle

The nurse admitted patients only one at a time into a small office. After a few usual questions my shot was given behind a closed door.

As the needle punctured my arm I went dizzy then blacked out. I have no idea how long I was out but awoke in an exam room feeling altogether different. I felt softer. There were two lumps in my shirt. I don't feel like a boy any more.

"Please remove all of your clothing and put this on," said a nurse's aid. Having said that she left the room closing the door behind her.

I was about to have a complete physical for the first time in a few years. No matter, I thought. Stripping down confirmed what I knew subconsciously. I had become a girl. Just then the doctor, a woman, entered to tell me what had just happened.

"You're the subject of a new experimental medical procedure. We've altered the DNA inside your genes. You are now and forever a fully functional girl."

Why me I asked myself. Just because I dress it does not mean I was contemplating sex change. Sure girl's clothes feel good but having her body is not for me.

A wide smile came to the doctor's face as she looked straight at me for seconds that seemed an eternity.

"As long as you're here Danielle I should give you a complete physical."

I giggled. I can not get used to this, to Dan being gone forever.

The procedure completed, I had to dress but the clothing next to me turned out to be quite feminine. Where did these come from? I wore boy clothes in here. Lying on the chair next to me was a light blue sleeveless scoop neck shell and a pair of blue low rise jeans, a bra and a pair of panties, and a pair of brown four inch wedges with open toe.

No big deal I thought and dressed. I guess this is the penalty I pay for wearing girl's clothing. Resigning myself to my fate, I put them on me.

Suddenly I felt ready to join the world as Danielle Blaine and accepted the fact that a boy no longer existed. Leaving the exam for my first floor office around the corner from the warehouse, I wondered how Darrel would respond to the new me.

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