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Danielle's First Time

Daniels depression becomes so bad that he knows he has to do something so he gets online and begins researching transgender and transsexuals, he begins going to some TG/TS chat rooms and talking to people there, that's when Daniel learns that being transgender or transsexual doesn't mean the person is homosexual, there are about 2/3 of the Male to Female Transgender / transsexual people who are lesbian. The transwomen that Daniel chatted with recommended that he see a Gender Therapist to properly start the process if he is indeed a TG/TS.

Daniel contacts Dr. Cochran, one of the best gender therapist in the mid-west of the United States. Dr. Cochran takes Daniel's information and sets up an appointment. Daniel explains that he thinks that he may be a Male to Female Transsexual, that he's 34 years old. The appointment was set for the following week.

Daniel arrives that Dr. Cochran's home, she runs her therapy clinic out of her home, it's large beautiful home made of stone with beautiful wood work as you enter the living room.

Dr. Cochran greets Daniel at the front door, she has a puzzles look on her face when she sees Daniel in man's clothes, but she doesn't mention it, she invite Daniel in and tells him two man's needs to finish up some paper work before the begin, and offers him a seat in the living room. Daniel sits and notices a book on the end table on Russian Architecture, with an interest in Architecture Daniel picks up the book and begins looking through it while he waits on the doctor.

Dr. Cochran calls Daniel back to the office and offers him a seat, "Daniel, please come in and make yourself comfortable." Daniel sits on the couch and leans back on soft puffy cushions.

"Thank you Dr. Cochran."

"Daniel, would you please tell me what bring you in here today," the doctor pull out her note pad and prepare to take notes.

"I'm here because I believe that I may be a Male to Female Transexual. I've always known that I was different from other boys when I was growing up, I've always liked dressing up in woman's clothes, not from any sexual fetish, I just have a desire to be pretty and cute."

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