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Caught by the Past Chapter 2

'Oh! Big boy are the rumours true?' You tease. 'Heard you're a dirty dog, bow wow, fuck my cunt. I wanna good rogering.'

This was probably unwise as the next thing you know his strong hands snake round your tiny waist dragging you back to the armchair, across his muscular knee.

It comes as a flash back - A cloudy haze - you vaguely remember being slung over a knee before and smacked by your mother. Another flash and this time the mist clears slightly. You're dressed for a fancy dress in... In... a little girls fairy outfit. Oh! My god! Is this true or a wild dream. Have you dressed as a girl in the past? but before you can piece any more of the jigsaw together you're awoken from your dream by James loud shouting.

'Wow! Missy, know what I think, slut? I think you're a cheap whore who gets her thrill from sucking cock.'

You shake your head frantically.

'Oh! Yes my sexy slut you pretend to be prim and proper but it's a facade. You like nothing more than talking dirty and sucking thick meaty cock.' he laughs and suddenly adopts a more serious tone. 'Does Karen know about this girl within you?'

You shake your head again this time more frantically your long curls flying this way and that. 'Of course not,' you protest. 'I've never dressed in women's clothes before.'

But had you? You really can't remember.

He laughs again. 'Dressed as a sleazy slut for a man you mean?' He sneers. 'You can't expect me to fucking believe that do you? You're a pro. A slut who wakes up every morning with a different bloke and can't even remember their name.'

'I'm not,' you squeal girlishly, wishing you'd worn something less flattering and less desperate. Why hadn't he left out something dowdy that finished below the knee with a pair of near flat court shoes? But what's become of you? You haven't ever wanted a man, you don't consider yourself gay but he's turned you into a sissy who thinks he's a girl and he's created a James-shaped need in you, a need that only he can satisfy. You can't believe your own imagination as you look forward to stuffing his cock in your mouth more than you have looked forward to anything in your life. What's magical power did the pretty clothes have? What has become of you? You shake your head and recall an old saying - When in the desert do you know how thirsty you are until the bottle is pressed to your lips.

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