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Candy Pink

"So hunny bunny baby doll, how are your grades"? I thought that was an odd question but told her I was a 3.8 to 4.0-honor student. She told me that was super and I would soon be getting a letter in the mail. "Just relax hunny bunny, Candy has sweets and treats here and you will be here soon". We said good-bye for now and I waited.

Chapter 3

Two Weeks went by and there was not so much as another email. I came to the conclusion that Candy was sort of a well-intentioned flake or just playing a head game with me. Sixteen days after her last email letters arrived in the mail addressed to Ralph and Cynthia Cassella and another for me from "The prestigious Sunnyvale Academy".

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Cassella:

The Sunnyvale Academy located in Sunnyvale CA. is proud to inform you that your son Ralph has been awarded a full scholarship to the academy. Master Ralph was recommended by his school as a top scholar and a candidate for our scholarship program.

Graduates of the Sunnyvale Academy have a 99.9 rate of acceptance into top Ivy League universities and Military Academies upon graduation. College professors and PHD candidates teach all classes with top academic standing for excellence in their fields of study. .

There is also far more to the academy beyond academics. Our school is the only private intuition in the nation to hold State championship titles in Football and Baseball. All of our male students receive vigorous instruction in sports and physical training. We pride ourselves into making boys into real men and leaders of men.

The letter went on about whom the faculty members were and had several brochures showing the campus and the football stadium. I just shook my head and thought that it was just what I needed. A damn snooty, upper crust school after me! I thought about just tearing up the letters but went to check my email first.

Hi ya baby doll!

Did you get your letters today for the Academy? If I was you I would hop on plane and come to school. Nasty Miss Candy has a course of study all planned out. Hope ya liked the letter. It took me a week to get it just right! There really is a Sunnyvale Academy but it's a day school and you are in. You get good grades and then ya get Candy! Let's just say I taught the HEAD leather Master a few "tricks" and he owed me one.

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