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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 3

"Look," Buffy said, releasing him and stepping back a few feet. "I want to show you something."

Xander waited.

Buffy hitched her thumbs in the waistband of her sweatpants and lowered them to her knees. She hadn't put on any panties, and her cock and balls dangled between her legs.

Xander's eyes became huge. His mouth hung open. "Buffy! You're a boy!"

She chuckled, moving the male genitals aside to reveal the cleft of her female sex behind the cock and balls. "Not quite," she corrected him. "I'm a boy and a girl-a hermaphrodite."

"A hermaphro-what-ite?"

She told him the myth, adding, "In reality, a baby is rarely born with the genitals of both sexes. When such a birth does occur, the parents decide which way to raise the child, whether as a boy or a girl, and the baby is surgically altered accordingly."

"You weren't born that way," Xander objected. He and Buffy had had sex, and he knew that she hadn't been sporting male genitals-unfortunately-during their lovemaking sessions.

"No," Buffy agreed.

"So how?"

"A Feral demon bit me last night; this morning, I woke up with these."

Xander smiled. "They're beautiful," he complimented her, "just like the rest of you." An idea occurred to him, and his smile widened into a grin. "Hey! You want to-?"

"Down, boy. I want to get rid of these jewels. I mean, they're great, but, you know, I've kind of gotten used to being a girl. That's why I was looking for Willow." She pulled her sweats back up.

"I'll help you find her."

"Shouldn't you be getting back to Chester?"

Xander looked as if she'd slapped him. "What was that for?" he asked, hurt.

She looked puzzled. "What was what for?"

"The not-so-little, no-so-subtle dig."

"It wasn't a dig. It was a suggestion."

"You're really okay with my being bi?"

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