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Blame it on the Wedding Dress Chapter 2

"Ah, joking around about serious topics", Sylvia said and her hand grabbed my cock harder. "Maybe you should try it right now and present yourself to Katie's guests. They will have a lot of fun!"

Now it was on my side again to blush. "No, I did not meant that! Sorry, Linda, sorry Miss Sylvia."

"Why not call me Miss Nelly?", my little sister suggested, and Linda agreed.

"Yes, he shall call me Miss Linda and you Miss Nelly. We will have to teach him respect – our little girlie-boy."

The three well-dressed women at my table continued chatting about me while they finished their course. And Sylvia played around with my cock in my trousers. Now and then I risked a glance at her arm inside the lose dark lavender satin. I would love to touch it gently, caress it, but I did not dare.

The hot waitress returned after a while to pick up our plates.

"Sir, didn't you like the soup? Shall I bring you something else?" she asked when she saw my untouched plate.

"No, it's okay. I do not need that much food."

She looked at me and then she obviously spotted Sylvia's arm in front of me. She could not have seen the location of her hand, but it was obvious that she understood exactly what was going on underneath our table. And the three women smiled at her, and Nelly said with her smoothest voice:
"He does not need to eat soup. You can take the plate with you."

"I see. Thank you, Lady."

She glanced at me and blinked her eye. Then she picked porcelain and spoons and disappeared with her waving pelvis. Would she be the fourth in that vicious group of ladies?

I felt Sylvia's hand working harder in my trousers.

"We need to give him air to breeze", she said and tried to free my cock and the balls from panties and trousers.

"You can't do that!" I squealed desperately.

"What?" all three women at the table asked at about the same time.

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