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Birth of a New Sissy Part 1 Encounter

"Almost." I agreed, catching my breath.

He walked over and offered his hand. "My name's Jeff, I live across the
street from you and your wife."

I reached out and shook hands. He had a dry, firm grip that seemed to hold
my hand a second or two longer than I expected leaving me feeling a little
awkward. "Mine is Eric. I thought you looked familiar." I said, wiping some
sweat with my towel.

"If you're not too tuckered from your match against the wall, we could
rally for a bit?"

"Sure," I said. "Why not?"

We hit back and forth for a while and we seemed pretty well matched. He was
in better shape and quicker, but I seemed to be a bit more consistent. We
ended up playing for another hour or so before we finally stopped. He
hardly seemed tired beyond a sheen of sweat. I was done, however.

He came over, hand outstreached. "Good game." He said as we shook again. He
put his other hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. " As I released
and turned to walk to my bag for a towel I felt his hand slide down my
shoulder to the small of my back. It came to rest at the top of my ass. He
walked along beside me, his hand almost guiding me as he chatted about the
high points of our play. When I reached down to grab my towel I could swear
I felt his hand caress my ass as it slid from my waist. I was feeling
flustered, even though nothing had really happened. But my heart began
pounding and I felt my cock stir.

I just shook it off as me being overly sensitive and not having sex
recently. We walked back down the hill towards the townhomes swapping
small-talk. I learned he was only recently out of college and was working
as a programmer. He worked out of his home most of the week. He was single
and currently unattached having separated from his girlfriend after

As we approached home he patted me on the shoulder. "Why don't you come in
for something to drink. I'm sure we're both dehydrated."

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