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Becoming Herself

He stood then and smiled shyly. "A drink Mistress?" he asked the glorious lady before him. It really had surprised him just how easily he had fallen into this role, not to metion he was going to be a submissive to a very tiny, very petite lady, one he could very easily over power but he knew, without a doubt, he did not wish to. At her nod he disappeared into the kitchen.

Not missing the erection tenting out his slacks as he walked by, Mistress giggled and followed him into the kitchen, the sound of her stillettos clicking over the hardwood floor of his home. Stopping behind him and catching his hand as he reached in the refridgerator to pull out a pitcher of tea. She placed it over the throbbing need beneath his clothes. "Tell me slut... what do you want?" Her voice commanding yet gentle.

This was the perfect Mistress for him and he knew it. He was very much a novice at the whole submissive/Mistress thing, and she was nothing like an actual Mistress. She was commanding yet so very gentle with him. He heard the clicking of her high heels as she followed behind him. Then there was her touch. It was electric, taking his breath in a rush. Her hand guiding his to his bulging crotch. That voice. The words. The tone. It made him want to explode right there in his slacks. Struggling for a few seconds to find the voice that had left with his breath he whispered, "I want to stroke my she-cock for you."

"Louder." Her tone even firmer than before. Forcing him to curl his fingers more around himself. At least as much as was allowed through the material barrier. He was throbbing and she could feel the heat eminating from him just by this simple touch, in fact, she was barely touching him, his hand was doing most of it.

"I want to stroke my fucking she-cock for you!" He cried out louder, unconsiously falling back against her. Grateful that she didn't step back when he did. His body was trembling fiercly, the cold air coming from the still open fridge made his nipples harder than tiny pebbles. "Oooh, please! Please Mistress, let me cum for you, now before this naughty slut becomes your femme boy." His eyes half closed and his heart pounded. He hoped she didn't turn him down.

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