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Becoming Elizabeth Chapter 2

Debby and I left for Rockport on Friday morning. It wasn't that far of a drive, and we arrived before noon. After getting everything set up, we went through an underground newspaper that she'd picked up at an adult bookstore near her work. I was surprised to find out that Corpus had three gay bars listed. It's not really that large of a town, and I didn't expect more than one.

Late in the afternoon, we headed down to Corpus and had dinner. We were both anxious about getting to one of the bars, so we sort of hurried through it. It was early evening when we pulled into the parking lot of the bar that she thought we'd have the best chance at.

It was a disaster. Neither of us were into the bar scene, so we were bit uncomfortable to begin with. The crowd was early 20's, and even I stuck out like a sore thumb in my early 30's. Plus, the music volume was mind-splitting and we had to yell to each other to be understood. We endured about a half hour of being ignored, even by the bartender, and left.

Getting back in the car, Debby directed me to the second of the bars listed. It was more our speed, fairly quiet with an older clientele. However, it didn't pan out much, either. The second bar turned out to cater more towards transvestites and transsexuals. While a few guys came on to Debby, they were surprised to find out that she was a real girl and even more surprised that she was there with her husband. They weren't interested in me, and I wasn't interested in the men dressed as women.

Depressed, we called it a night and went back to Rockport. Debby was in a grumpy mood on the ride back.

She was so perturbed that we didn't even fuck that night. I tried to cheer her up, to no avail, and we finally went to bed.

As we lay in the darkness, I heard her say quietly, "Do you trust me?"

"Implicitly," I replied.

"Do you love me?" she asked.

"Madly," I said.

"Remember that tomorrow," she said, rolling over away from me and going to sleep.

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