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Barbie Jo Adventures Part 6

"How much does it cost to go on a, "Date," with me?" I asked curiously. "At least their rich perverts," she assured me, "Because it's going to cost them $250 dollars per month up front, just to join. Then the dates start at $300 dollars, and go up from there. I know one guy paid $15,000 dollars, airfare, and expenses to fly a girl to Paris for a weekend!"

"Wow, she must be hot," I said. "Did she have sex with him?"

"I am, and yes, I did," she said with a wink.

"I need a drink," I said, "or a taxi, to get the fuck out of this, and away from Dallas."

With a concerned look, she got up, and went to the kitchen to get me a drink. I headed to the bathroom for some coke. While I was in the bathroom, snorting big lines of coke; the front door security buzzer sounded. They were here.

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