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Angel Chapter 1

A compromise was two inch heels, which were high enough to be feminine, but not high enough to be awkward or to make her excessively tall. Just before going out, she dabbed a drop of flower-scented cologne on her wrists and the pulse spots of her throat. With everything ready, she picked up her purse from the dresser and walked out the door of her parents' flat, down the stairs and out into the street.

Angel had two reasons for going out that day. First, every time she walked out on the street dressed as she was, it helped to solidify her femaleness in her own mind and, she hoped, in the minds of the neighbors or anyone else who might happen to see her. More importantly, at least on that day, she was going to leave an employment application at a local bank. William Parker, her favorite sixth form teacher, had suggested it, and had given her a letter of recommendation addressed to his brother, who was the head of personnel at the branch in town. It was no guarantee, but the recommendation would go a long way, and Angel hoped she would be able to eventually get a transfer to the main office in London, and be that much closer to her real objective.

Angel had always been fond of Mr. Parker, the teacher, who was tall and athletic but, during the last few months, her feelings had taken a new direction. If she had been younger, Angel might have thought of the attraction as a schoolgirl crush, but she considered herself too old to have such things. Whatever it was, she had started having explicitly carnal thoughts of him, even sexual desires, and guiltily cherished those thoughts and desires. They were on her mind a lot, although she didn't know how they could ever come to fruition, especially since she had graduated from sixth form, and hadn't seen him for almost a month.

She had never had either a girl friend or a boy friend, or any really close friends of any kind. As a young boy in primary school, she had never felt anything in common with other young boys. They had always seemed too crude and brash and, although she had tried, there had never been any enjoyment for her in their rough games.

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