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An Evening with Delia

I rushed to bend to her and administer to my fallen comrade. Before I could inquire as to her condition, Delia yelped "That was so fucking great! Did you see me, Aunt Penny?"

I gently patted her bare haunch and answered simply "Yes, dear, I saw it all."

After we got Delia re-dressed, we walked back through the labyrinth to the bar and dance area. Delia had held up admirably but her stockings were destroyed and her hair was a mess of tangles with sparkling highlights of dried semen. Her lips were swollen and she tried to reapply some lip-gloss to them but I could see her wince at their tender condition. We had some drinks and I was rapidly depleting my cash at he exorbitant prices. I asked Delia if she wanted to dance, but she shook her head in the negative and I realized that she was walking and standing bow-legged after her 'two dozen man march.' Before she was done her third top shelf cocktail, her head began to fall against my shoulder. I saw some of the men who had given her the business smile knowingly and begin talking about her in small groups.

I walked her out to retrieve my car for the ride back home.

Delia was sleepy-eyed but I tried to engage her in conversation. "Delia, honey, do you do that, uh, kind of thing often?"

She rolled her head against the backrest and said dreamily "Only once, maybe twice a week, Aunt Penny."

We arrived at her apartment building, the neighborhood quiet now, and Delia opened the car door to get out. "I just want to take a shower and go to bed. Thanks for the ride downtown and the drinks and all, Auntie-poo" she said.

"You don't want me to come up with you?" I asked a little incredulous and hurt.

"I'm sorry, baby, but I gotta get some sleep. I told the guys I'd be back tomorrow night and I know some will bring their friends, so I really gotta get some rest and be ready for them, you know?" Delia already had one leg on the sidewalk, then as an afterthought she leaned back in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Niters, Auntie."

And she was gone, staggering up the steps and retreating behind a closed door.

I put the car in drive and coasted down the deserted street as an involuntary sob coughed out of me. My little kitten, I thought, was all grown up now.

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