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An Appreciation Part 1

The HOT subject matter accompanied by vivid writing is what makes OneSilky's stories very special.


The Silky saga, which to date (November 19) is 50 submissions deep, is full of passages ,like the one quoted above. Clever, amusing, descriptive, and, most importantly (this is Litoratica that we are talking about) that are HOT, sexy, arousing.

This reader had been reading Literotica for a little more than a year when, one day, I read my first OneSilky story and quickly became a fan. Became "hooked" might be better to say.

By rough count, more than 215- thousand authors have contributed well over a million and a quarter stories to Literotica. As I would assume most readers would agree, finding the author or authors whose stories titillate, amuse, or entertain, and does so in a literate manner is quite a chore. Oh, I am able quite often to find an author or a story that I can enjoy. I find my stories as many readers do by checking out the daily "New" story files or checking out the "favorites" of authors who have impressed me, and I am able most times I try to find adequate reading matter. But it sometimes is quite a job, separating the wheat from the chaff. OneSilky is almost always wheat, no chaff.


In her profile, OneSilky tells us that she is 23 to 26 years old and has an imagination "that goes FAR beyond my real, boring life." OneSilky, the author and Silky, the fictional character may share a name, but, for sure, do NOT share a boring life or, at least, Silky does not.

The character Silky enjoys a life full of adventure, sex, and excitement. A great deal of sex. A surfeit of sex.

Sex is there even when sex isn't happening.

Some college soccer players are widening a hole in a locker room wall so that they can watch the cheerleaders in a state of undress. Here is how OneSilky describes the soccer players' actions:

Will took control, and pushed his knife against resistance into the moistened and slippery opening. He felt the tip slip in, and then he withdrew partially and hammered in again

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