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I raised my hands and felt over my face, brushing my long hair out of my eyes. Despite the redness and the other changes they still sparkled the same blue. My nose had changed, my whole face, becoming more tapered, daintier with prominent cheek bones and full soft lips. My hands followed my hair before stroking down my sides, taking in the way my waist curved in before filling out at the hips.

Biting my lip I reached up and pulled the gown over my head exposing my alabaster thighs and stomach before what I had to accept were my breasts were yet again exposed to the cold air of the room. I stared at my reflection, running my hands down over my chest. My breasts were full and firm and I felt my hard, pink nipples drag across my palms sending small jolts of pleasure.

Closing my eyes I ran my hands down, slowly over my stomach before I felt it begin to slope inwards. I couldn't help but stop, it seemed that if I did this then I had to accept what had happened as real. Steeling myself I drew in a breath before continuing, sliding a hand between my legs. It seemed wrong reaching down there and not feeling my cock and balls but I carried on until my fingers reached my hairless pussy, feeling over my lips into my unexplored depths.

Opening my eyes I couldn't marry the image in my head to how I saw myself. It was like watching porn, my mind told me I should be aroused so my hand started working, rubbing the small bud of my clit but nothing came of it. Maybe it's because I knew this attractive young woman was me I thought, so I started thinking about other girls. The cute and eager redhead on my course, some glamour model bimbo I'd seen in magazines but neither worked. I ran through images and fantasies of every woman I could think of, my actions becoming more earnest but still nothing. Screaming in frustration I stormed back to the bed and threw myself down.

I tossed and turned for a bit, unable to scratch the itch I'd caused. As I lay there nonchalantly toying with myself I suddenly thought of my old rugby team and that was when it happened. My fingers became slick and I pulled them away in shock, staring and the clear fluid shimmering on my fingertips. Oh god, they'd taken my sex and my sexuality, I felt disgusted, ashamed, I'd known the guys I was seeing in my head for years but now, now I saw them differently and it was scaring me.

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