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Amethyst: The Girl with a Penis

"I'm so sorry this has happened Amethyst. I should never have suggested you tutor me here in the lab. Now don't forget to wash very thoroughly! I'll stop by later to see you and if you start feeling bad get to a hospital!"

Caroline says that last at my back because I'm heading out the door and down the stairs. At the first landing I stop to roll up the pants legs on the coveralls so I don't trip on my way down. I'm walking quickly as I leave the chemistry building and head out toward my dorm. I'm about a quarter of the way there when I begin to feel a burning sensation where the chemical has made my panties wet. I walk faster.

I'm sweating from my exertions now and the burning feeling begins to worsen. I start to jog, oblivious to the other people on the green. With each passing second the burning gets worse. It's getting so intense I'm on the verge of stripping naked, but I only have a couple of minutes till I get to my room. I bound up the stairs two at a time, unzipping the coveralls as I'm going through the door. They drop in a pile as I scramble for the shower. I get in and turn it on full bore, shedding my panties in the cold water I start scrubbing at my burning nether regions. Within seconds the burning subsides and I slump to the floor of the shower in tears.

When I can no longer stand the cold water I drag myself out of the shower and pat dry with a towel. I get up on the bed and lay back on the pillows spreading my legs to allow my 'down there' to air dry. The lips are red and puffy, but that seems to be all and it doesn't hurt anymore, which is good. I feel so tired maybe I'll just take a quick nap and then I'll decide if I need to go to the hospital. I close my eyes and immediately drift off.

Diffused late afternoon light coming through the small dorm room window wakes me. I'm still naked on my bed so I grab the spread and roll away from the light intending to sleep some more, but as soon as I do I feel something warm and heavy flop onto my thigh and slide off onto the bed.

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