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A Wonderful Awakening

"What was happening to me?" I thought before providing my own, obvious answer – I was becoming female mentally as well as my rather obvious physical shape. The mother waved shyly back before suddenly grinning and hurrying down the road – she probably thought I was some shag of my old self from the night before, well I suppose I was in a way. Smiling in turn to myself I walked off the other way and marvelled at the different feelings around my body. I loved the thong clenched between my bum cheeks and the swish of skirt against my thighs though I was somewhat alarmed by the glance a middle aged man in a suit gave my chest – he didn't once look at my face.

Turning into the shopping centre I quickly completed the errands I had planned for today before my transformation and was heading back when I caught a glimpse of a beauty salon. I had always known it was there but had never looked twice other than to admire the stunning red head who often worked at the station by the window. She was there now and, though busy with a lady's nails smiled at me as I gravitated nearer and then indicated the empty waiting chairs the other side of the door with a toss of her elegant head. "What the hell," I thought, "I can get my nails painted or whatever else they do here – especially if I get to spend some time legitimately talking to this stunner. The receptionist, Kirsty her badge said, took my name (thank God Alex is unisex because if it was really Brian I would probably have said it without thinking!) and ushered me to the seats, giving me a fresh, crisp New Woman magazine – no 5 year old Tog Gear magazines and Computer Shoppers here. Idly flicking through it whilst I tried to marshal my thoughts I started to pay more attention to what I was looking at until a small cough dragged me away from an article on accentuating your body's best points with careful clothing choices to see the red head standing above me with her head cocked to one side gazing at me.

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