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A Tuesday To Remember

“Oh there was the secretary, the court recorder, and my lawyer. You know my lawyer, my father, your boss. He’s always handled all my legal concerns, it was his recommendation about the house. My lawyer says that the deposition is sealed and can’t be opened unless there is a filing, and he is ready to file since he heard about your poor performance in the marriage bed. But he can’t tell anyone unless I file, so if you play along everything will be fine, but if not you will get kicked to the curb.
I had to think about this, if I lost my job I would be for the most part broke. Then it hit me, so much was in Deena’s name. I was shrieked back to now as Deena loudly yelled, “Well what’s it going to be? I need an answer now or do you have to go someplace.”
Do you really have to have an answer right now? Can’t you even give me until tomorrow? I mean why do you have to have a decision right now?
“No I want one right or I’ll have the police come out and remove you from the property, and then you will have made your bed and it won’t be comfortable.”
I just stood there and finally after a few moments I said, “Yes.”
Deena turned to Jeffery and he stood as she joyfully exclaimed, “He said yes and this is Tuesday so we can continue now.”
Jeffery looked at her and then at me and then back to her and said, “I know he said yes, but he doesn’t really mean it. He is lying and the first chance he gets he is going to try and get out of his agreement. Maybe even to the point of filing for himself tomorrow.”
Deena turned to me and asked, “Are you lying, would you really go back on what you agreed to right here.”
I yelled out, “Of course, why would I agree to something like that unless I was doing it under duress. Of course if I didn’t have a stupid slut for a wife I wouldn’t have to be doing this under duress.”
After I said that Jeffery stepped in between Deena and myself looking at me and challenging said, “Don’t speak to her like that, and lower your tone of voice.”
Standing close to me like he was I could see the real size of him. He had wide shoulders and was well over a head taller than I was. That would make him around 6’2” or 6’3” and he looked very rough when he was looking at me. It unnerved me and I looked to Deena and asked her if she can do something about this?

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