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A Pinch of Pain

He paused only after he had added the fifth set of three strokes, bringing the running total to fifteen strikes.

Blood continued to ooze from the angry red welts that the cane had etched in the sleek flesh of Gail's round, arched bottom, careening over the silken globes and down the backs of her firm, shapely thighs and calves. Gail had been reduced to tears at the completion of his previous strokes, and she whimpered openly now, through the film of saliva, mucus, tears, and running mascara that made her face a glistening, horrid mess. At last, her dignity as tattered as her tush, she begged her husband to cease and desist in his punishing of her bottom. "Please, stop," she murmured. "I can't take any more."

"I have no doubt but that you would like me to stop," he replied sternly, "but I have not yet reached the predetermined number of strokes, and I would be amiss in my husbandly responsibilities if I were to spare you the rod prematurely." He ran the cane over the curve of her bottom in a loving and caressing manner that, he knew, she would find intimidating in the extreme, promising, as the gesture did, further punishment to follow.

"Please," she repeated, her tone soft but desperate, "don't strike me again."

The cane, hard but smooth, continued to sweep up and down, over the rotundity of her buttocks, lightly tickling her flesh. Involuntarily, she flinched, in fear of the cruel instrument. Her prick, still thick and hard, bobbled between her legs, her balls jiggling and bouncing.

Visually, Kevin examined her bruised bottom. Her ass cheeks were purple where they were not red, and fifteen red stripes, some oozing blood, like liquid rubies, stretched, parallel to one another, across her battered buttocks. He found the sight of her bloody, bruised, and lacerated behind as beautiful as a blossom in full flower and, despite her buttocks' bruises and lacerations, he knew that her bottom could, in fact, endure many more lashes of the cane, should he wish to subject her to additional blows, although not, perhaps, without doing somewhat serious injury to the muscles and maybe scarifying her flesh permanently.

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