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A Neighborly Gesture

"Well, uh .. I just..." I couldn't think. My head was spinning. Vicki cocked her head to one side, like a bird examining its prey. I avoided her eyes, and stared down at a small blemish on the table-top.

"Relax Dan," Vicki said, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Really. Lot's of men try on their wife's underwear. Those are your wife's panties aren't they?"


"Well I think you have good taste," she said. "Would you mind showing me them again? We won't need the ladder this time." Her smile was infectious, and the humor helped to ease my embarrassment.

"Uh . . .I don't," I began, but Vicki was already out of her chair and standing next to me, one slender hand laid encouragingly on my shoulder.

"Okay, I guess so," I replied standing up, I fumbled nervously with the drawstring of my sweatpants and managed to get it knotted.

"Oh dear boy," Vicki said, bending down to assist. She quickly unsnarled the strings and then shocked me by sliding her thumbs inside the waistband. "Here you go," she said, and quite suddenly my pants were down around the middle of my thighs.

"Oh Dan, they look stunning on you! Turn around. Here, let's pull your sweats down a bit more so I can see the whole effect. Her fingernails grazed my skin lightly and I gave an involuntary shudder. "That's it. Let them drop—no one will see."

"Yes Ma'am," I murmured, as my pants fell into a heap around my ankles.

In a daze, I began following Vicki's instructions, turning this way and that, and holding my shirt up above my waist for her to get a better look. I should have felt embarrassed and humiliated but somehow all I wanted now was to please this gorgeous woman. She had taken control as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and I found myself not minding in the least. In fact I was enjoying it.

"Go ahead and step out of those pants," she said, taking one of my hands and laying her other hand lightly on my bottom to support me. "We wouldn't want you to trip and hurt yourself. That's it." She glanced down at my midsection. "Hmmm...This excites you doesn't it Dan?"

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