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A Maid Family

As I now remember that first morning (post divorce) dad had already left
for work so by the time I dragged my sorry ass out of bed it ended up
being just me and sis, who that morning (unlike all the other mornings)
I remember that we then had to make our own breakfasts which seemed so
strange to us, at which point we then sat at the small breakfast table
(that now seemed so cold), at which point we then alternately
stared at our respective uneaten breakfasts (that either froze or
turned to mush) then at each other, all the time wondering what in the
hell had happened to our happy little world?

And asking each other (every so often thru the long silent gaps) if it
was somehow our faults? and as well asking each other if either of us
had seen anything (however small) that would have helped us to avert
what they had done or (at the very least) to understand why they done

But alas as time finally ran out that first morning we each then grabbed
our school shit and headed on off to our respective schools, with the
result being that I had this empty felling in my gut all that day, as
nothing much was revealed in dredging up our collective memories which
it seems only made it worse!

Which I assume was the reason (for me anyway as Jill went ape-shit when
she found out) why I took the news so calmly when dad showed up less
than three weeks later with this fine boned black woman on his arm, who
to my hormone hyped teenage eyes looked like she had just stepped from
off of the catwalk of a major fashion show, or more likely still from
off one of the hundreds of pictures from my stash of jerkoff magazines,
at which point he then told me and Jill (in a calm almost matter of fact
voice) that they were going to wed in less than a month.

Remembering back at the events that happened before and then after the
wedding (which seemed to have happened a lifetime ago as I write these
words down) it seemed to have come and gone in the blink of an eye!

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