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A Job in the Theatre Chapter 5

She had never been noticed like that as a man. Even if she dressed nicely, women seemed to overlook her. And once they got naked, if it ever got that far, the woman always seemed to be disappointed with her as a lover.

That was a vastly different experience from what she was getting tonight. The men loved her, loved this sexy and alluring female. They were actively pursuing her and made no apology for it. She was sexually desirable to them and she found that very appealing.

And there were others thoughts too. Those thoughts must have come with all the attention, she wasn't sure, but now it didn't make much difference. She knew all too well that her hand, now comfortably resting on Ted's thigh, was merely inches from his cock.

She knew that Ted was completely aware of it even though he acted otherwise.

What would Ted do if she ran her hand a few inches further as she had with Gary? She recalled how Gary had reacted. Would Ted do the same? Paula was intrigued by the thought. Women could do such things.

She asked Ted to buy her another drink and smiled at how easy that was. She loved the power of her feminine allure. She was in control. It was magical.

The two couples hurried off to a trendy dance club and got a table just beside the dance floor. Sarah and Greg were cuddled up on one side of the booth with Ted and Paula on the other. Paula felt Ted slip his arm around behind her and thought about those awkward times in high school.

But this was not high school. Ted told Paula how beautiful she was and what a wonderful time he was having with her. He leaned over and gave her a kiss, which caught her off guard. It was a full kiss, on the lips, and definitely from a man.

Paula felt her cheeks flush and her heart race. It was not like the kiss from Gary during rehearsal. No, this was a sensuous kiss. Ted slipped his tongue past her lips and she found herself kissing him back.

Her mind raced as their tongues caressed. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine something like this. Sarah said whatever happened would be fine, but had she thought about this?

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