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A Flash of Lace


Why hadn't I just laughed it of and said kids will be kids. I didn't know if she had seen what I was wearing but her reminiscing had upset me. Too close to home.

I turned out the light and climbed into bed. I was shaking badly now. What if my darling sister had caught me out. She was my only true love, my guardian angel, My beautiful, beautiful sister.

There was a soft knock on the door. I didn't answer but turned my back and feigned sleep. Perhaps I could blame it all on 'too much to drink'.

"Davie?" she whispered "Can I come in?"

I didn't answer.

I heard the door open then felt her sit on the edge of the bed. She touched my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Davie." She said quietly " I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't realise."

I said nothing, still pretending to sleep. It wasn't going to work though.

After a few minutes she said, "Move over, Its freezing" and proceeded to climb into bed.

I moved further towards the wall, cursing myself for forgetting I was pretending to sleep. I felt her weight in the bed then she was pressing herself to my back. She was cold but somehow her jersey pajamas felt warm and comforting. She slid and arm under my neck and cuddled me close. I was naked and could feel her heart beating against my back.

Her hand began to stroke my temple. It felt heavenly.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" she whispered. "I'm so sorry.

I was silent for a long time.

"It felt so good then." I said quietly. "Wearing your dresses. I didn't know why, just that it felt nice. I wanted to look pretty for you. I felt pretty. My beautiful sister thought I looked pretty. And I loved the feeling of being your sister . It was so much better when the other girl left and we'd play on our own. And wearing your panties. I didn't know why they felt so nice at that age. My clothes seemed dull and plain compared to yours. I could smell you on me, feel you on me .... I was so happy."

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