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A Christmiss Story

"It turns out that Metabolean is a perfect a catalyst for hormone replacement therapy, allowing the transition from female-to-male in a matter of days. Just look at me."
"Are you going to stay that way?"

"That all depends on you."

"What do you mean?"

"When your year as a woman is over, if you decide to go back to being a man, Metabolean will help you make the transition almost instantly. And if you do, I guess I'll check into Cassandra's."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you, Anne."

Who would have thought that a misanthrope could find true love, and sweet goodness, in the hands of a dominatrix? When I felt Don's hand sliding up my Christmas stockings, my whole body trembled as a delightful orgasm swept over me, and I must have moaned like Meg Ryan.

"Are you okay?" Don asked with alarm.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I smiled serenely. "Santa just left a little present in my panties."

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