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50 Shades of A Bookseller

He began to breathe through his mouth now too, not heavily, just had his mouth open. And I wanted those jeans open.
As he hung on my every word, I stepped forward, closer and closer until I was facing his chest.
Reaching my hand to his jeans, he backed off in shock for a moment, but then stayed put. My fingers brushed over the lump in his trousers, and again...and again.

I knew I couldn't rip his cock out in the shop, even if no one was around, but that didn't stop me from grabbing a fistful and rubbing furiously.
Through the denim I could just about feel his helmet, but my grip was totally hindred by those pesky pants. From left to right, I rubbed him off...over and over, faster and faster until judging by his quickening breath; my index finger knuckle rubbed madly on the underside of the cockhead as an explosion of warmth radiated from the area.
I saw his knees give way a little and suggested he sat down at the reading area.
As he took a seat, I wrote out my mobile number and gave it to him as I had to get back to work as i was due on the tills.
When I returned an hour later, he was gone, but the books i'd picked for him were on the table.

I didn't hear from him for at least two weeks, I half expected him to never get in touch, which made me a little sad as I found him very attractive. But when he did get in touch it was a little more than I expected. It was a text message and it read;

"Hey m8. Was thnkng of u. Wanna meet up? Hve a buddy intrstd 2. Can u dress?"

This had me a little panicked, as i'd never been with two people before, plus the fact i'd never met the guy. I mulled it over and decided to reply (only live once right?), and he responded immediately with time and the place, provided I was available which as luck would have it, I was.

The day crept up fairly fast and it was a scorcher. As a side note, I hate hot weather! I'd much rather cold, rainy days over hot sunny ones...I guess that's the goth in me ;P
I decided to wear my tight, white crop top. A black sports bra. A rather fancy pink thong with gold metal at the back (very classy - ill post some pics). Black tights with some pink sport socks, the kind that are baggy and go over your boots/trainers. And finally a pair of VERY short denim hotpants with a belt with dangly metal stars on a chain.

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