Newest Free Stories

Turned into a Toy
I clicked the lock shut on the locker containing all my clothes and looked down at my now naked body. I was in very good shape for a fifty year old. I'd always been thin and now I was shaved from the ears down and all six feet of me looked smooth and toned. My cock was a bit tumescent, larger than a... Read full Story
Helping a Friend Part 2
I had seen Anna at work for the past two weeks…not a word of what happened at her house, when I fixed her sink. What a great night that was……………the night I found out she was a shemale! I fantasized about Anna all the time, yet nothing from her. It was our s... Read full Story
Trio Lust
My girlfriend at the time Cheryl and I had been on a two week vacation and were traveling through a mid-western state,it was early afternoon and we needed to refill our gas so we pulled into a large travel plaza just off the interstate.As I headed in to pay for the gas I spotted a pretty petite girl... Read full Story
Caught again
So I’m finding it hard to get privacy to dress up of late. So I decide to go down the country and rent out a holiday home for a weekend. I brought all my gear including make-up,and wig. When i arrived at the holiday park I entered the reception area. Behind the counter was a pretty women named... Read full Story
Starcrossed Sleepover
I never was one to push my sexuality upon others... I have always felt.... unrequired in that area. so much so, that I lack the ability to be discrimitive to people, regardless of there beliefs... there origin... there sexuality... or even there religious or politcal views... in the end. I felt we a... Read full Story
Helping a friend
Anna has been working in my office for a year now. I have never heard her talk about a boy or girl firend. Anna is 5'7'', long legs, light brown hair almost to her waist, very pretty. I have always talked to her, had lunch, but she had never opened up until she needed some help..... Anna had boug... Read full Story
Unique Misadventure
I always felt I was one to walk in a path of two worlds. both parallel and at at times, they cross and go there seperate ways within me. it can be stronger then others, but in all cases.... I always felt feminine by nature, lacking a dominate soul I suppose. it felt more natural, and in luck or fate... Read full Story
Wish cum true
My wife and I have had a strong and open relationship from the start. We have accepted each other and all our wild passions, and we have always been open about our sexual desires. Having said this I will try to express what happened the other night with the same intensity I experienced. I came ho... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 3
I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me! "you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock... Read full Story
Gloryhole slut last night
Well I was a horny slut last night and went to this little arcade in the city last night. Fully slutted out and in a new pair of silky nude hose I was hoping not to be disappointed....I was not! I payed my fee and went into the back to the booths where there were a massive amounts of guys in the ... Read full Story