Free Stories

Bar close
1:30 am. The bar was almost closed and he still hadn't found her. The right one. He had been yearning for something different for so long now and he still didn't know quite what. He scanned the room once more and shoved his stool back with a moody sigh. He heard a muttered curse behind him which cau... Read full Story
I want you used!
I'd been Will's little CD slut every time that I'd overnighted in his city for about a year. That was one night every other week. He was always very good to me, bringing wine to my room and spoiling me with his gentleness as he had his way with me. He loved to have me lie still while he teased me al... Read full Story
She became He
The day started as normal, wake up get dressed, have breakfast,but today was going to be anything but any normal day. I decided that i would take the day off work and visit a local sex cinema,i had never been to one before and was a bit aprehensive but i thought sod it let's just do it. Upon r... Read full Story
Planet of the Gigantic Schlongs
It all began in a place not too long ago but in a faraway place. There was a planet way out of the galaxy that no researcher ever discovered and most likely never will be. The story begins on a planet called Weenus. Nobody knows how the planet got its name. Perhaps we’ll never know&hellip... Read full Story
Working Away From Home
Im an engineer by trade and my job sometimes takes me to different parts of the country, customers want me to design a specific peice of machinery for them. I had an appointment with a firm just on the outskirts of Manchester, my company had booked me into a nice hotel for 3 nights whilst i was u... Read full Story
All Night Forced Sex Part 8
I was finally ready to put my life back together after all that had happened to me over the last year. So I had decided to start psychotherapy during the first few sessions all we did was go over all that had happened to me but on the fourth session she said that she would try and help me through hy... Read full Story
The New Hire Part 2
Immediately, he retreated, not to spare her any distress, but in preparation for the next assault, and he launched himself down, deep into her depths, plumbing her bowels with his rock-hard cock. His balls slapped the lower curves of her skewered bottom, and he pressed them more firmly still into he... Read full Story
I had just gotten off the train from my work, and now I was standing outside of the station, waiting for my bus in the freezing cold. I wasn't overreacting; it was really cold. I was wearing a thick winter coat and gloves, but I wished I would have remembered to bring a scarf or something, because I... Read full Story
First time
I once met a sexy tranny when i was out walking and she enticed me along a forest path and into some bushes where she began to slowly undress me. I was wearing very soft satin and lacey lingerie underneath my normal clothes, she knelt down in front of me and slowly took my soft satin cock into her m... Read full Story
Hell of a night
I was about 18 at the time, and I did my usual Friday routine. Shower prettying up, then bored. I decided to go to my neighbors house, he was hanging out in his garage. In the recent months I would go over and hang out, he didn't care I was underage and would let me drink. So I got ready after doing... Read full Story
Transvestite’s first experience
I don’t know where those thoughts come from but I was starting to get them more and more often. I so wished a guy to take me. But for sure I wanted to be wearing stocking, lacy bra, a short silk rob and may be a wig… I was also so much into painting my nails and putting a lipstick on my... Read full Story
Dirty TS Supprise
True Story I'd been out drinking with a few mates first the pub then we hit the clubs. It was late and I had work then next day so left my mates and went to get a taxi home. walking up the street for a taxi I noticed a woman standing on the corner. The girl was facing away from me but looked hot fro... Read full Story
Trans State Private School
Tommy heard a rumor that the Trans State cheer leading squad (even though it had the prettiest, sexiest girls in the state), all had cocks hidden in their cheerleader panties. His school was playing Trans State that day, and Tommy had to find out if it was true. The squad was on the fie... Read full Story
Peepshow Pimps
I like to go to adult bookstores. No matter how many times a guy has sex and regardless of how many partners he has, he can't possibly compete with the men in the magazines, on the videotapes, and in the old filmstrips. These tan gods, with their deep chests, broad shoulders, and rippling muscles, f... Read full Story
The Trip
I’d been seeing Joe for most of the summer and in that time I had starred in maybe a dozen or so of his private home movies. My hair had grown maybe another inch, I’d had my ears pierced and my eyebrows shaped, as far as my parents were aware it was because of a drama club I’d join... Read full Story
Chrissie's New Client
I run a small investment consulting firm. Very small, actually it's just me. It's really just a cover business for what I really do which is to service my male clients clandestinely. There are an average 20-25 active clients. They are all successful proper business man, many of them you would class... Read full Story
With an 'E' Chapter 2
Waking the following morning, feeling somehow fulfilled. Then, as I came to, I remembered the night. With my frilly shortie nightie disgustingly clinging to my body, back and front, came the realization "I was no longer a virgin!" And -- it felt great. Sometime in the night, Bobbey had ... Read full Story
My first sexual experience with a man
My first time having sex with a man, learning to be a girl that I felt inside. I was 20 years old, just moved to the UK, with my wife at the time as I was stationed at one of the bases there. I had been dressing up and wearing panties and stockings and bras mostly up till that time. I had a coupl... Read full Story
The New Boss
My name is Jacklyn. I am 27 years old and was just promoted to Vice President of BB last week. I'm not a stunner but I have an okay body with a nice shape to it. I begin working here when I turned 20 and found it to be relaxing. However what everyone called the "Upstairs Crew" were very qu... Read full Story
Sex Ed Chapter One
My husband and I had quite an open marriage. We were both fairly sexually adventurous and this was reflected in how we both considered it to be ok for us to be going out and sleeping around, provided we were completely honest about it and came home and told the other one all about it. In fact, after... Read full Story
More Than a Lady
Doctor Carter surveyed the gathering of ladies before him. Something wasn't quite right, but he just couldn't put his finger on what it was. He had been invited to speak on Female Reproductive Health but the women before him were neither the charity-driven older matrons nor eager young housewives th... Read full Story
Jennifer & Alexia
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Medicine of Magic Part 2
“I.can get an erection for you, dear. D’you” “Can you.make love to me, Robin?” “Oh, my dear, yes, I can.and I want to. Do you want me to?” “I want to do anything to make you very happy, Robin. I am your slave even if the doc didn&rsqu... Read full Story
I went back for a male massage...
After my last visit, as I said my head was spinning...I'm not gay, but I loved being used that day...have a cock in my mouth and in my ass??...but, I loved here I was again...when I went in, I didn't see the same was asain women this time...???...ok, this can still be fun but...A ... Read full Story
A Fantasy
Hi baby, You're sitting on a chair with no arms and you're naked. I walk over to you and I'm wearing 5" heels, red stockings and my red panties. You're not hard yet and when I sink to my knees between your legs I lightly kiss the inside of your left knee. My tongue glides up the inside of yo... Read full Story
Surprise Ending
I am 38 years old, married (for 13 years), and my job in sales takes me on a monthly business trip to various cities in the eastern US. I can’t say I have never been tempted on these trips away, but until last month just some friendly flirting at a bar was probably my biggest offense. That ch... Read full Story
He got all whispery and pointed down to his crotch. I almost giggled.Then he goes "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands downmy pants and find out. I don't know whatcame over me. I had seen the same nurse looking at me ever sincei sta... Read full Story
Sam had told me if I took the A-Train that I might witness some 'interesting,' if not 'wonderful' events—let's simply put it this way: events that leave even a sophisticated wmn like me wondering.... Business took me to New York and on my last free morning in Manhattan, Sam sent me instruct... Read full Story
Weekend Office Sex
So I am the low man on the scale at work. My job is with the City I work in dispatch and am one of the people responsible for getting road crews, hydro and sewer crews out to fix problems wherever they occur. My boss is a very attractive woman named Jamie. She stands about 152 centimeters and dark c... Read full Story
Second meet
So I arranged for this guy to come round, was a good few month after my first time so my ass was tight again. I was in the usual, fishnet suspenders, heels, skirt, bra and ladies bikini bottoms, as I had no girly ones which were clean. I answered the door to him and led him upstairs, same routine, t... Read full Story
My first time dressed
I've been working on feminizing myself for almost a's a difficult path to walk, since in normal life I'm very muscular and masculine, physically. That, plus I enjoy lifting weights, makes having a slim, female form a challenge. I've found some fitting dresses that a... Read full Story
My First Cock
Im just your ordinary guy, night and day watch on this site when im horny. Still havent understood my fascination for this site but im here everyday for the last 4 years. Within that time i have slowly had urges to buy stuff so i bought butt plugs vibrators just to get so i knew who it actually f... Read full Story
Front row footage
As he stood in front of me, one hand stroking a very big cock as I looked quietly, kneeling in front of him. Being a crossdresser had its perks but, I was a straight man, how could I have put myself in this situation!? I love women, but I also liked dressing like them to, and going to a gay bar prob... Read full Story
The club owner shoves you into the room and you hear the door lock behind you. You are locked in and feeling very vulnerable. “He didn’t say anything about this” you think. The stiletto heels of the black platform heels click on the floor and your arms are crossed over your breast protecting them as... Read full Story
New Game by Jordan Skythe
New Game Alan tossed his game controller, then reclined on the bed and sighed. “I’m bored.” He nodded in agreement. “So am I.” He wasn’t, but wanted to see where the declaration could lead. “We need to do something new.” He felt his breathing increase, wondering if this was the moment he could... Read full Story
Our first time PT1
The day you and I became boyfriends was the day we started to do everything together. It made our transition into women so much easier having the other to rely on and share the experience with. It was heartbreaking when we realized we weren’t attracted to eachother anymore as women, which is why it’... Read full Story
Fantisy 1
THE GANG BANG: I am dressed in a black dress, black bra, black crotchless, black garter stocking, black babydoll, and 5” high heel shoes. Here is how I would like it to go down; I am in a hotel room dressed as described above and waiting on the men to show up. The first set show up and I take off... Read full Story
My name is Cheri, I live my life in lace and satin. I have always loved the way those materials feel against my soft skin. I have shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. My friends used to call me Charles but about 12 years ago i had this epiphany that i felt out of place as a man and one ni... Read full Story
A Savannah night
Crossdressed fully and very seductively in only fishnet thigh highs; hooker heels, g-string, garter belt, and bra, (all black), I had intentionally let the man walking around the motel parking lot see me. He'd stopped in his tracks, mouth open, and stared, as I stepped out onto my motel room balcony... Read full Story
My First Ladyboy
I was working in Bangkok a couple of years ago. As was the normal practice all the guys would finish work on a Friday afternoon and head to the local bar for a couple of beers.. This particular Friday we were in the usual place chatting and having a nice relaxing time......when she walked in....t... Read full Story
I've dumped my boyfriend. Now he wants cock..
Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals? I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because ... Read full Story
Sissy Mailee's first black cock
As long as I could remember I have always had a craving for black cocks. My first time was a few years ago after partying with a friend of a friend. I had called up one of my CD friends, Suzy, to attend a Halloween party at a local warehouse. We had agreed that we’re both going to the party... Read full Story
Alexis Season Part 7
"Ohmygod Ineverdid!" Alexis nearly shrieked, and when Mrs. Baker looked up again, Alexis grew red. She was so excited to tell Nancy exactly what had happened the week before, about how great it was that John had gone down on her, that she simply couldn't tell her now for fear that everyone... Read full Story
A night to remember
Josie wasn't a girl a man would turn his head for if he saw her on the streets. She was a small, petite girl, her breasts barely an B cup. She was wearing her light brown hair in an inconspicuous short cut and the thick glasses she needed for being able to see anything in her surrounding, didn'... Read full Story
The way i like to be treated...
One night, You call me on my phone and ask me to come to Your place. i feel excited, because every time i see You, i have a hell of a good time :-) So, i hurry to come to Your place as soon as i can. Once at Your door, i knock. I can hear You say "come in", so i come. Without any other wo... Read full Story
Good fucking
Thank God 3 months at sea not had rest or sex havin men around 24/7 can do things to a man,singapore been here few times wid times and some fucked up shit wow, left for land 3 days leave was gonna make the most of it. went in couple bars checking things out see what was happening, found out there... Read full Story
Job Interview with an Escort Service
On my 18th birthday, I had a job interview with a local escort service. It was actually my 16th birthday but I had managed to get a fake ID ;-) I had a female cousin that was escorting for this service and when she told them that she had a crossdressing bisexual male cousin, they wanted to meet me! ... Read full Story
All Right I'll Do It
"Alright I'll do it but you promise you will never tell or bring this up again?" It was spring of 1970 and I had just turned eighteen a week earlier. My last year at Reidel High, located in a small northwestern town Nowhere USA with a Population of 2,700 and far away from the anywhere e... Read full Story
The Coach's Chance Encounter
Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had thre... Read full Story
Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 4
We spent the rest of that long weekend in Fantasyland. We shopped. We dined. We went out drinking and dancing, just us girls. Can you believe it? God, what a rush! We fucked; a lot. It was fast, furious, frantic. It was slow, soft, sensual. We did it everywhere in the house, over the hood of the car... Read full Story
Submissive sissy Jennifers first cock
There is a shy knock on your door. You open it, wondering who it can be. A stranger hands you the end of a dog chain, you can see that it leads to a red strap round his neck. "I'm Jennifer, Sir" he whispers, softly & huskily. It becomes clear now - you remember the conversation on the... Read full Story
My Affair With Jenny
I met Jenny online after I liked a sexy photo of her while beating off one day and left a comment. Shortly after she sent me a friend request and we begin exchanging hot emails. She was coming to my area and wanted to meet. I was really nervous I had been with my sexy TG girlfriend for 20 years and ... Read full Story
Making of a new Sissy
I became a Sissy at the hands of a friend of my parents. When they worked long hours they would normally ask a friend to check in on me to see if I was OK, despite the fact I was at this point 18. One time it was Tom who came over. He was mid 40's, an old friend of my dad's. A guy who ... Read full Story
ASSERTIVE WENCH I caught my live-in partner in an affair and things went awfully as her and her supervisor went into overdrive trying to make every mutual acquaintance believe something perfectly fine and wholesome had led to their affair and my misery. We parted and for a time I stayed to mysel... Read full Story
His sexy flies catches my eye
Another routine day was passing as I carried my shopping bags back home. Turning up a side street the late afternoon sun shining I suddenly encountered the most sexy guy I had ever seen. He was so cool that I hadn't even seen guys on TV as cool and good looking as that. He was an Asian guy in his... Read full Story
My First Time Out: The Preparation
Shane, a 24 year old blue-eyed, blonde-haired salesman boarded the airplane enroute to beautiful downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. He had made the trip many times. He always conducted his business in a timely fashion so he could get back to his office making sure not to miss any other business opportun... Read full Story