Free Stories

Dan felt his insides repeatedly fill up and then release with the colonic irrigation solution. His erection pointed straight up and swayed. "Please?" he asked. The colonic therapist, Pamela, smiled sweetly and shook her head. She willingly discussed sexual topics with Dan, a regular ... Read full Story
My suit fantasy fulfilled
I've always had a thing for a man in a suit, a really smart suit. Maybe it's a secretary fantasy or something, but I just think every man looks sexy in a suit. So it was with great delight that upon making contact with a guy on Grindr a few weeks back, is profile pic showed him in a suit. While t... Read full Story
How I developed a crush for transvestites
I am a 33 years old woman who loves sex very much. My name is Desire. With my boyfriend Errol we have a very happy and open relationship. Since I am also a bisexual from time to time we make love with another woman. We also had group sex a few times. Last week I left home to go to my girl friend ... Read full Story
Trans Bookstore Adventure
I was walking near the corner of Polk and Post Streets past an adult bookstore when I noticed an attractive transgender standing on the corner. I walked up and struck up a conversation. I told her she was attractive. She asked me if I wanted a date. I asked her if she was functional. Then I asked he... Read full Story
Starcrossed Sleepover
I never was one to push my sexuality upon others... I have always felt.... unrequired in that area. so much so, that I lack the ability to be discrimitive to people, regardless of there beliefs... there origin... there sexuality... or even there religious or politcal views... in the end. I felt we a... Read full Story
My first Bareback
Ron and I had been talking online for a few weeks now. We wanted to be comfortable, and make our intentions clear with one another. He was going to give me my first bare back sex, so i wanted to make sure it would be okay. We finally decided to meet last weekend. Through the course of our conversati... Read full Story
Carla Chapter 3
So, I reflected, I had quite a day ahead of me. Initially excitement coursed through me as I contemplated the evening to come, and the scope to explore the new extensions to my sexuality. I vividly recalled some moments of the time I had already spent with Carla, particularly it seemed, when I felt ... Read full Story
Gym time surprise
Another day, another gym session. Kelly was not looking forward to her gym session, she was bored of doing the same old routine and just going through the motions. She knew she was hot, she knew she didn't need to work at it. She wanted to go home and chill and play with herself as she'd seen that h... Read full Story
A Thrilling Adventure
This is a story about one of my friends. She's xtremebly attractive and is a 24/7 girl that I've known for two years. Every now and then we get together and fuck like minks but that's another story altogether. This is a story she told me about one of her many exploits. My name is Anastasia---I'm ... Read full Story
The Room Mate
My wife and I have been happily married for about nine years now. We had never slept with anyone else during our relationship. I have greatly enjoyed my time with her. However a few weeks ago a coworker of my wife’s moved in with us. Her name was Denise and she had just lost her job, car, and ... Read full Story