Free Stories

The Sexiest Shemales Part 2
Holly and I didn't want to waste our day so got up and got ourselves in the shower. We stripped off our g-strings that we were still wearing from our sex fest and turned on the hot water. We always shower together. Sometimes we will fuck each other in there or suck each other off but we just had sex... Read full Story
Mutually Assured Attraction Part 2
Sarah gasps and jumps back in shock. She wonders why she should be surprised that the beautiful shemale in the bed had called her by her name. Confused, she lifts her gaze from Jessica and looks around the room frantically searching for an explanation. Her gaze fixes on a mirror. In the mirror st... Read full Story
From Top to Bottom
I have had many encounters with shemales over the last eight years. I first discovery that such beautiful creatures existed was when I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I had gone to a adult bookstore and was in a booth watching a little porn when I came across my first Shemale porn movie. I sat back stroki... Read full Story
Downloaded Lust
That was the sexy signature I posted with all my stories, the erotic invitation I issued to my readers. Usually, they'd just reply with a sexy thank-you, and maybe share a fantasy. Occasionally, though, I would get an email from someone who wanted to meet. They were usually men who'd fantasized ... Read full Story
Date With A Mistress Part 2
The week went rather slow for Patrick and he was anticipating Friday night. He didn’t know what would happen as he picked up the phone. He dialed the number with trembling hands. When the phone rang the person on the other end told him to call back in an hour as the Mistress wasn’t at ho... Read full Story
Good Friends are the Best
This story takes place after I had been crossdressing and watching shemale porn for years. It all started out with me trying to avoid seeing men's cocks while watching porn so I tried lesbian porn and then found shemale fucking girls porn to be crazy sexy. After watching a lot of shemales fuck... Read full Story