Free Stories

Horny Aerobic Instructor
Carla is big on aerobic workouts and she loved watching her instructor's muscles as he worked out hard with them. His hot sweaty muscular body did wonders for Carla's sexual appetite. She puffed around the room when he did, did step-ups when he did them she always worked out at the front of the c... Read full Story
Lesbo surprise
Bethany is 18 and so is Rachel. They love each other's company and can't get enough sexual pleasure. Beth and Rachel had been spending loads of time together recently and because they were straight, nothing had happened between them yet. One day while Beth was in her house, Rach said she would co... Read full Story
Kim the Cheerleader Part 2
Everything was going right. In fact, it was going more than right. It was going perfectly! It was a big gamble using fake information to get into college. Every day she ran the risk of getting caught or exposed. But everyday that passed without that happening made it seem less like to happen at a... Read full Story
Pay the Genie Part 2
Scott leaned back on his couch and enjoyed the magical efforts of his new best friend, Ura the ebon genie goddess. His jaw ached slightly from paying for the oral loving he was then receiving, but as always it was worth it. It had been a few days since he found the magical pocketwatch that contained... Read full Story
The tranny from work
I've always had a thing about trannies. Just something. Never sure what or why. I loved looking at them. Seeing their huge tits. Their nice asses. Then seeing a dick between their legs. Now I'm not gay but, was always interseted. I would look up escorts here in town just to see how far I would go. F... Read full Story
My wife dressed me and used me like a slut
I think you are about ready my wife “Jen” exclaimed and she rotated me towards the mirror. My cock was already rock hard and sticky soaking the silky panties as I looked at my reflection. I gazed at my blonde shoulder length wig bounded into two braided pig tails, my face heavily coated ... Read full Story
A Morning's Service
While this is a work of fiction it is something that I am actively looking for a dominant man to do to me ......... although I doubt in reality that my wife could be persuaded to be there, in all other aspects it is something that I want to experience. Contact me if you can help, enjoy. I had bee... Read full Story
A Night Out Chapter 2
As excited as I was to see Neerja again it took me a few days to get up the nerve to call her. When I finally got the courage and dialed her number I was put to ease by her sweet voice. She was so easy to talk to and any nervousness I had went away. We talked about how our week was going and other s... Read full Story
The Date
When I left you I had just had my first sexual experience as a girl. I had met Dirk in a neighborhood bar and ended up in his hotel room. After a wonderful night of fantastic sex, I woke, we made love one more time, and then I had to leave for school, as I am a junior at the University. I left Di... Read full Story
Bi Pantyhose Passion
I've had a Pantyhose Fetish for over 30 years now, and love wearing them on a daily basis. But back in the summer of 1995, I suffered a heat stroke, and almost died, when I recovered, I vowed I would stop fantasizing, and live out these dreams and fantasies. I had been masturbating while dress... Read full Story
A Turkish Delight Part 3
The vice regal party continued and I was now trapped at continued well into the night as the guests continued to consume more free alcohol. I don't know which disturbed me the most as I walked from room to room. Was it the glares of the women or perhaps the glances and touches of the men? The women ... Read full Story
Becoming Alanna Part 3
We went up stairs to the kitchen and she had me start to help her ice down beer and get bottles of booze out and open. There was a large bar but I noticed not much in the way of food. I helped tidy and set up cups and get ice and then with a sudden shock to my heart the doorbell rang. As it did I ca... Read full Story
Interview with Tara Strong
When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show. I found out th... Read full Story
Alexis Chapter 3
The beginning of the next week goes by rather uneventfully. Mr. Hughes doesn't acknowledge me in class, and I'm starting to wonder if he's regretting everything we had done. My suspicions are proven wrong however on Wednesday. The bell rings and kids scramble to get out the door for lunch. I'm sl... Read full Story
First Time Is A Great Time!!
The day was going just as any other day. A long day at work followed by the short drive home from the office. Jeff walked in the door at the usual time and took the usual shower. A hot 15-minute shower spent washing off the feeling of a full day's work. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped up wi... Read full Story
American Futa
For those who don't know what a futa is, it is usually depicted as a hermaphrodite but for the sake of this story it'll simply be transsexual. The other distinguishing factor is futa's are usually nothing more than mindless sex toys to their masters. Some would say its a step down from being a slave... Read full Story
Amy's Awakening
I was home all by myself one morning and decided to take advantage of this very rare happening. So I took a long hot bubble bath and shaved all my body hair. Not that it was a lot, I have almost no arm or leg hair and just a tiny patch of chest hair and a little facial hair on my chin and upper lip ... Read full Story
An Unexpected Surprise Part 2
Mark was still trying to make sense of what has happened since he met Kelly. The beautiful tall red head with long sexy hosed legs had picked him up at a local bar and brought him back to her apartment. Then he was introduced to her room mate Pam as she was masturbating on their couch while watching... Read full Story
I Really Don't Know Chapter 1
My girlfriend of 5 years, the woman I love dearly, it's like she's a different person now. Well ... she sort of is. This all started about a week ago, she happened across an ancient artifact. And somehow, against all reality, it had a genie in it – a magical creature whose purpose is to grant ... Read full Story
I posted a craigslist ad
8 years ago I began crossdressing again and playing with toys. After playing one day while watching videos online I decided I wanted to take the next step and be with a man again. My holes craved it but the butterflies in my stomach had stopped me before. Afraid they would do it again this time I go... Read full Story
Virginia’s Luxurious Evening
West Palm Beach didn’t have many cold snaps, but when one did rake the city the weather seemed twice as frigid as it actually was. Virginia Stanton sat alone in her office on the third floor of Prism Design’s building overlooking the Intra-coastal Waterway. She had been chilly all day, m... Read full Story
The Mechanic
My name is Bruce, I am one of those mobile mechanic chaps you call out when something goes wrong with your car. You get to meet a nice variety of people, some good some not so, with some very good looking ladies thrown in as well, which make it nice. A lot of the clientele are people you see a coupl... Read full Story
All Night Forced Sex Part 5
I have no idea how long it was before I woke up, my head felt like I had been on a six day drunk. I tried to look around but my eyes were blurry, finally I managed to focus. There was a plain wooden wall and a beat up old door. Some light was coming in through a filthy window off to the side. I star... Read full Story
Courtney and Michael
I wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ... "Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to g... Read full Story
My First Time Out: The Preparation
Shane, a 24 year old blue-eyed, blonde-haired salesman boarded the airplane enroute to beautiful downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. He had made the trip many times. He always conducted his business in a timely fashion so he could get back to his office making sure not to miss any other business opportun... Read full Story
Alexis Season Part 5
Alexis sucked the head, then put a little more in her mouth, licking his dick inside her mouth, getting it wet with her saliva. She could taste precum dripping out, and she gladly let it swish in her mouth as she sucked him. She then took his dick back out and licked the bottom of the shaft, look... Read full Story
My Fantasy
I would want a good group of six people. I’d like to be divided evenly men and women. Of course it would help if all were bi-sexual. That way, I wouldn’t have to look up when a large cock would be near me. I could suck it dry just as easily as I would eat a piece of twat. If some of the ... Read full Story
The Mechanic
My name is Bruce, I am one of those mobile mechanic chaps you call out when something goes wrong with your car. You get to meet a nice variety of people, some good some not so, with some very good looking ladies thrown in as well, which make it nice. A lot of the clientele are people you see a coupl... Read full Story
Becoming Roberta
Years ago, I went out with a girl who was very kinky. I can't use her real name, because she is married now, but I will call her Christine. I liked a lot of the kinky stuff we did, especially being dominated and humiliated. She always wanted to see me have sex with another man, but I was very hesita... Read full Story
Trannys Feminize Dandy Boy Sequel
So being feminized is a sort of intimate experience? Believe me it's more than that! In fact I don't know how I can say everything about how I feel now or then when it started happening to me. But that's how my life goes. Things tend to get done to me. However much I try to regain control of my life... Read full Story
Catherine's Girl
Catherine Roman's chauffeur pulled in front of my house in a black Escalade to transport me to Mrs. Roman's country estate for a weekend visit. Because of a surprise snowstorm, I had canceled my Friday appointments. Nevertheless, I wore my business suit and traveled lightly at Mrs. Roman's behest. C... Read full Story
Break-Up Surprise
I was 18 and had been dressing up for two years before anyone had learned of my little hobby. I had no intention of telling anyone until I saw a friend in need. I was perfectly content getting dressed up in sexy clothes and having fun with someone on the internet from the privacy of my house. My ... Read full Story
When Rene Calls Chapter 3
In less than another 10 minutes I felt the car beginning to slow down and we made a number of sharp turns. Finally the Rolls came to a stop and I could detect the sound of a large gate opening automatically. The Rolls once again began to move but much slower this time. We slowed down once again I ... Read full Story
My mother told me never to take a girl into an alley at night. She went on about how dangerous they were, with strangers lurking in dark doorways waiting to do horrible things to the people who wander in alleys. Alleys can be dark, imposing and dirty especially in the city. I spent my youth avoiding... Read full Story
The Room Mate
My wife and I have been happily married for about nine years now. We had never slept with anyone else during our relationship. I have greatly enjoyed my time with her. However a few weeks ago a coworker of my wife’s moved in with us. Her name was Denise and she had just lost her job, car, and ... Read full Story
Whore of Rome
My name was Antonius. I was the son of Marcus Antonius, a man from a proud family with a long tradition in the Roman Senate. My ancestors had served the Empire with long distinction. That was until the Time of Troubles. Through internal wrangling, my father lost all our money and as a result took... Read full Story
Fucking A Cute Asian CD
I've always wanted to fuck a cute young tranny. I love their femininity - those gorgeous gurl bodies and the way they are into the lifestyle. Such a turn-on. I pulled my cock out of my boy Kevin the other night and the two of us collapsed in a heap, satisfied with what we'd just done. As we lay in... Read full Story
Crossdressing and a Stranger's Cock
Friday was my first time I was fucked by someone other than my owner. I have blown a friend of my owner when fully dressed, but Friday we had to travel during the afternoon, so I didn't fully dress but changed into stockings, bra & forms, thong and had a sheer long-sleeve turtleneck and tight skirt ... Read full Story
Betrayed Chapter 7
Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you kn... Read full Story
Billy Is Billie on Halloween
It was October 30th when I first found out who I really was, a cock sucking cum drinking whore that needed to be fucked. For so long I have dreamed of women without having any luck actually being with them. With my very feminine figure and shoulder length hair I was always pushed aside for the bigge... Read full Story
Feminine Persuasion
Chapter 1 One must look back at events in their life and laugh at times. One must even remember those that have come into there life and smile about them. But when someone has had such an impact on your life that you can no longer go back to how things were before them, you are forced to remember... Read full Story
Everything Is Not As It Seems
The ad says Femdom looking for malesub. Must be willing to follow all my instructions. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for consideration. Well I answer the ad and am told to show up at the femdom’s home at 7:00. I arrive at the front door and am greeted by a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a low cut... Read full Story