Free Stories

Gym time surprise
Another day, another gym session. Kelly was not looking forward to her gym session, she was bored of doing the same old routine and just going through the motions. She knew she was hot, she knew she didn't need to work at it. She wanted to go home and chill and play with herself as she'd seen that h... Read full Story
I'm going with you and your friends to a large clothing store. I'm here as a boy, but we're going to the women's section. Full of beautiful dresses, panties... I can't take my eyes off it. She would like to have it all. We walk among the hangers and you and your friends choose clothes and underwear... Read full Story
Ghosts Chapter 1
I had always wanted a big house with a lot of land, but when the oppurtunity arose, I got a lot more than I baragined for. My name is James. I am 26 years old and have a degree in accounting. While I was at work one day, I got a call from a will lawyer saying that a very distant aunt had rece... Read full Story
When Friends Visit
He is so excited, thinking it will be a fun night of sucking my strap on dildo. It is going to be a fun night, but he won't be sucking a dildo. I cuff him with cuffs that have a length of chain to give him some freedom of movement and the same for his ankles; he can walk but can't take normal steps.... Read full Story