Free Stories

Duped by a Cross-Dresser!
I don't brag about much, but I do have to say that I am a damn good cross-dresser. When I slip into a dress, no one can tell I have eight inches of meat hanging between my legs. I've had relationships with more than a dozen men who never knew the difference. It helps that I have a girlish face wi... Read full Story
DOM of a MTF dream
I had a dream the other night. I was getting out of work, and was walking home. I walked by a bar with only a couple people inside. It looked nice and quiet where I could have a drink and unwind. I walked in and ordered a mixed drink. Half way through it I saw a young girl looking my way. I c... Read full Story
Popping Lisa's Cherry
The door slammed and Lisa's heart leapt. She was alone, finally alone with all the time in the world to pamper herself. She had hours and hours to look forward to, to be a real lady. It wasn't often that Lisa had such an opportunity, even if she did find herself alone occasionally there was alway... Read full Story